Technology and the Internet

Review: SkyBroadband vs. SmartBro internet

Last week marked the third month I subscribed to SkyBroadband internet. As promised in the earlier article SkyBroadband internet trial review, I will post an update describing how the first three months of SkyBroadband subscription went.

First, let it be known that I was not paid to make this post and I am merely describing an objective experience with the two internet service providers (ISP) I have subscribed to in the past. I do not work and have never worked for SkyCable/SkyBroadband or Smart Corp. and will not get any benefit, in whatever form, by making this post.

With that disclaimer, let me share my experiences with both SmartBro and SkyBroadband.

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SkyBroadband internet trial review

After more than a month of posting hibernation, I’m finally back online. I recently moved to a condo at The Fort and, although I have already applied for an internet connection weeks ago, until now PLDT has not contacted me for an update. I followed up my application two weeks ago and PLDT told me my internet application is still being processed. If their slow processing is an indication of how slow my internet connection will be, then I think I’m better off looking for a new internet service provider.

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Google’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility — a bad move?

Search engine giant Google recently announced it is purchasing Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc., the former Mobile Devices Division of Motorola, for $12.5 billion. According to Google, the move was meant to protect its Android operating software from intellectual property lawsuits.

But was it a good move?

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Where to buy cheap Apple iPad 2

Apple iPad 2 buy cheap prices

In the Philippines (and in other countries as well), Apple iPad 2 units are already out of stock. Go to various Apple Stores in the Philippines and all of them — yes, all of them — would tell you that right now, there are no more iPad 2 units that are available for sale. They’d usually say that new stocks are arriving in 2-3 weeks’ time but for over a month already, they have been saying the exact same thing.

I don’t want to wait anymore so I decided to go for the next best alternative: the computer and tech shops that sell Apple gadgets.  They’re not really considered as “official” Apple Stores but they are duly-authorized as distributors so it’s still pretty much safe to buy from them.

Apple iPad 2 buy cheap prices

In the Philippines (and in other countries as well), Apple iPad 2 units are already out of stock. Go to various Apple Stores in the Philippines and all of them — yes, all of them — would tell you that right now, there are no more iPad 2 units that are available for sale. They’d usually say that new stocks are arriving in 2-3 weeks’ time but for over a month already, they have been saying the exact same thing.

I don’t want to wait anymore so I decided to go for the next best alternative: the computer and tech shops that sell Apple gadgets.  They’re not really considered as “official” Apple Stores but they are duly-authorized as distributors so it’s still pretty much safe to buy from them.

Apple iPad 2 buy cheap prices

In the Philippines (and in other countries as well), Apple iPad 2 units are already out of stock. Go to various Apple Stores in the Philippines and all of them — yes, all of them — would tell you that right now, there are no more iPad 2 units that are available for sale. They’d usually say that new stocks are arriving in 2-3 weeks’ time but for over a month already, they have been saying the exact same thing.

I don’t want to wait anymore so I decided to go for the next best alternative: the computer and tech shops that sell Apple gadgets.  They’re not really considered as “official” Apple Stores but they are duly-authorized as distributors so it’s still pretty much safe to buy from them.

Apple iPad 2 buy cheap prices

In the Philippines (and in other countries as well), Apple iPad 2 units are already out of stock. Go to various Apple Stores in the Philippines and all of them — yes, all of them — would tell you that right now, there are no more iPad 2 units that are available for sale. They’d usually say that new stocks are arriving in 2-3 weeks’ time but for over a month already, they have been saying the exact same thing.

I don’t want to wait anymore so I decided to go for the next best alternative: the computer and tech shops that sell Apple gadgets.  They’re not really considered as “official” Apple Stores but they are duly-authorized as distributors so it’s still pretty much safe to buy from them.

Apple iPad 2 buy cheap prices

In the Philippines (and in other countries as well), Apple iPad 2 units are already out of stock. Go to various Apple Stores in the Philippines and all of them — yes, all of them — would tell you that right now, there are no more iPad 2 units that are available for sale. They’d usually say that new stocks are arriving in 2-3 weeks’ time but for over a month already, they have been saying the exact same thing.

I don’t want to wait anymore so I decided to go for the next best alternative: the computer and tech shops that sell Apple gadgets.  They’re not really considered as “official” Apple Stores but they are duly-authorized as distributors so it’s still pretty much safe to buy from them.

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Problem with group buying site Ensogo

I’m having problems with a deal I bought on Ensogo, a popular group buying site in the Philippines.

A few weeks ago, I bought a voucher for the supposedly low-priced deal of P8,999 for a 3D/2N accommodation at Gordion Hotel in Vigan. It turns out, I’m not getting any discount at all and I’m even paying more compared to making direct reservations with the hotel.

Here’s the story.

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Top 5 Group Buying sites in the Philippines

Without a doubt, group buying websites have invaded the Philippines. We scoured the Internet and our latest count shows that there are at least 20 active (and legitimate) group buying sites operating in the country.

What is a Group Buying Site?

A Group Buying site banks on the power of “collective buying.”  It is a well-accepted fact that individually, people don’t have much bargaining power versus the seller when buying a product or service. When these people unite, though, they can as a group negotiate for lower prices or better deals.

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Online Burol: Mourn for the dead via the net (St. Peter’s E-Burol)

St. Peter Memorial Chapel E-Burol You’re working in the US and you received an unfortunate call informing you that your father in the Philippines passed away. You wanted to fly back but you’re strapped on cash. How do you mourn for your deceased father thousands of miles away?

The answer: log on to the internet and avail of St. Peter Memorial Chapels’ E-Burol or Online Burol (Online Wake) service.

Yesterday, November 1, an advertisement of St. Peter Chapels’ Online Burol appeared on several newspapers. Apparently families and relatives from all over the globe can now take part in the wake of their deceased loved one.

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