REE Electrical Engineer Board Exam: ROOM ASSIGNMENT 2019

Pinoy Money Talk

Are you taking the Registered Electrical Engineer (REE) Board Exam this August 31 and September 1, 2019? Make sure to check your PRC Room Assignment below so that you’ll know where to take the REE exam!

UPDATE (August 2019): The official Electrical Engineering Board Exam Room Assignments are NOW RELEASED! Scroll below to see which exam venues already include the note “Now Available!”. This means the room assignments are now ready for viewing. If the PDF file is not yet displayed, the PRC is still finalizing the room assignment but it will be uploaded very soon. Kindly refresh the page for updates or visit this page again soon to check if your room assignment has been posted.

Do you want to receive important announcements about the REE Exam? Then click here to like the PRC Board Exam Results Facebook page!

Before you take the Board Exam, be informed about the following important details — including exam schedule, dress code, and what you can and cannot bring during exam day. All these are official instructions sourced from the PRC.

REE Board Exam Schedule (Aug / Sept 2019)

On the first day of the board exam, be present at the venue before 6:30 AM so you can check your room and seat number. Take note that examinees who will come in late will NOT be admitted to the exam room so don’t be late, otherwise, you might not be able to take the board exam!

Here’s the schedule and exam topics in the upcoming August 31 & September 1, 2019 REE board exam released by the PRC.

August 31, 2019 (Saturday)

  • 7:00 – 7:45 AM – General Instructions & Filling-out of forms
  • 8:00 – 1:00 PM – Mathematics (Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Complex Numbers and Space Vectors, Probability and Statistics, Matrices and Determinants, Sequences and Series, Other Engineering Mathematics such as Differentials Equations, Fourier Series, Laplace Transforms and others) – 25%
  • 2:00 – 6:00 PM – Engineering Sciences and Allied Subjects (General Chemistry, College Physics, Engineering Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Economics, and Management, Electrical Engineering Law and Code Ethics, Contracts and Specifications, Computer Fundamentals and Programming, Philippine Electrical Code, Parts 1 & 2 and others.) – 30%

September 1, 2019 (Sunday)

  • 8:00 – 2:00 PM – Electrical Engineering Professional Subjects (Quantities/units/constants, Electrical Materials, Passive Circuit Elements, Active Circuit Elements, AC Impedance, Instruments and Measurements, DC Electric Circuits, Transient Response, Magnetic Circuits, AC Electric Circuits, AC Generators, DC Generators, Energy Sources, Energy Conversion, Prime Movers, Rotating Electric Machinery, Power System Components, AC Transmission, DC Transmission, Power System Interconnection, Substation Design, Power Distribution, Wiring Design, Power Distribution, Wiring Design for Buildings, Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Illumination, Telecommunications, Computer Application in Electrical Power Industry and others.) – 45%

Dress Code for REE Board Exam

Please note that all examinees are REQUIRED to wear the following attire during board exam days:

Males – White polo shirt with collar (without any seal, logo, or mark); Decent pants or slacks.

Females – White blouse or shirt with collar (without any seal, logo, or mark); Decent slacks or skirt.

What to Bring During REE Exam

Make sure to bring the following items with you during exam day:

  • Notice of Admission (NOA)
  • Official Receipt (OR)
  • One (1) piece metered-stamped window mailing envelope
  • Two (2) or more Pencils (No. 2)
  • Ballpens with BLACK ink only
  • One (1) piece long brown envelope
  • One (1) piece long transparent plastic envelope (for safekeeping of valuables and other allowed items)
  • Food – all examinees are required to bring with them snacks or meals placed inside a transparent plastic bag. No other person, including the proctors or room watchers, shall be allowed to give or distribute food to any examinee while the board exam is in progress.

Also note that when taking the exam, candidates cannot borrow anything or communicate with other people taking the exam. Examinees are also not allowed to leave the room, so with regard to using the CR, make sure you go to the restroom right before taking the exam.

What NOT to Bring During REE Exam

According to the PRC, the following items are NOT ALLOWED to be brought inside the exam room:

  1. Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data / information / formula;
  2. Cellular phones, smart watch, ear plugs, transmitters, portable computers, bluetooth, and other electronic gadgets/devices which may be used for communication purposes;
  3. Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.);
  4. Other examination aids not stated in the program.

Other Useful PRC and Board Exam Resources:

PRC Room Assignments (Electrical Engineer Exam REE 2019)

If you see a “Now Available!” note beside the exam venue, it means the PRC has already released the list for that province or city and you may now view the room assignment. If it is not yet available, the PRC is still finalizing the school and classroom details. We will update this post once the official Room Assignments are released.

Tips Before Taking the Board Exam

Here are additional useful tips we suggest you follow before the exam.

1. You’ll notice that even in just one school, several buildings and classrooms will be used as testing centers. To make sure that you proceed to the correct location, write down the exact Building, Classroom, and Seat Number assigned to you on a piece of paper and bring this with you on the exam day so you can easily find your room assignment.

2. Prior to the actual day of the board exam, research the address of the school or venue where you’ll be taking the exam. Find out the actual location using Google Maps or a guide map to determine how to get there.

3. Better yet, try visiting the venue a few days before the board exam! Doing so will help you discover the best transportation or routes to take. If you simulate going to the venue beforehand, you’ll also have an idea how long it will take you to reach the exam center from your place. This allows you to change your transportation plans, if needed.

4. On the day of the exam, don’t be late! According to the PRC, examinees who will be late will NOT BE ALLOWED to take the exam. We suggest you arrive at the venue at least one (1) hour before the start of the exam. This gives you enough time to locate the building, classroom, and seat number assigned to you.

What happens if you did not show up or weren’t able to take the boards? The answer is in this article: I registered but I did not take the board exam.

MANILA: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Manila during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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BAGUIO: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Baguio City during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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CAGAYAN DE ORO (CDO): REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Cagayan de Oro City (CDO) during the August & September 2019 Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Exam.


Please wait a few seconds for the PDF file to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors. 

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CEBU: REE Board Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Cebu City during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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DAVAO: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Davao City during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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ILOILO: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Iloilo City during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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LEGAZPI: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Legazpi City during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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LUCENA: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Lucena City during the August & September 2019 Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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TACLOBAN: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019 – Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Tacloban during the August & September 2019 Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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ZAMBOANGA: REE Exam Room Assignment 2019– Now Available!

Here is the school to be used as testing center in Zamboanga City during the August & September 2019 REE Licensure Exam.


To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.

If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.

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Tips to Pass the REE Electrical Engineer Exam

Do you want some tips to help you pass the Electrical Engineering board exam?

Without a doubt, passing the exam requires tons of preparation, hard work, persistence, and determination. You will surely do your part. You will study long hours, read a lot of books, and answer hundreds of pages of reviewers. But do you want to hear useful tips, this time straight from those who already passed the licensure exam?

Here’s our collection of the best insights and tips from REE passers and topnotchers themselves!

Tip #1: Understand the principle behind formulas and equations.

“The best way to prepare for the board exam is to understand your undergrad subjects very well. If you understand the principle behind things, it’ll be easy for you to derive equations in times of mental block.

There are so many formulas to memorize, especially for auxiliary subjects (ESAS), that you really can’t memorize everything. Cover as much topics as possible since even though you’re not sure of what will come out, it will be easier to guess and eliminate some choices.”

– Tips from Martha Isabel Dealino, 2015 REE Exam No. 1 topnotcher with score of 90.95%

Tip #2: Don’t over-review; just answer letter C to questions you don’t know the answer to.

“Since the board exam is composed of multiple choice questions, here are my tips in answering the exam:

  • Usually the correct answer are the long answers;
  • Try to review more the objective-type questions. The questions with calculations are usually basic;
  • The choices in the questions are usually not thought well. So if you got an answer through any acceptable means, they are usually correct;
  • I usually answer letter “C” to questions that I really don’t know 🙂
  • Don’t over-review. You can’t study all. You’ll just forget the more important ones.”

– Tips from Eldion Vincent Bartolo, Topnotcher No. 5 in the 2015 REE boards with exam score of 89.90%

Tip #3: Use the process of elimination.

“I will let you in a secret: Some items in the Engineering Board Exams are designed NOT to be solved.

That is, the answer to some questions will be made quite obvious among the series of choices. Analyze the choices and evaluate the probability of their being the actual answer to the question.

For example, in a particular question, if impedance is given and it is mentioned that it is inductive, you know that the current angle will be negative or more than 180 degrees. Hence, you can already eliminate the choices with a positive value or those less than 180 degrees. Or if an item requires a whole number for an answer, take away those with decimal places. Some of the choices are too small or big to be the correct answer – take them out.”

Tip #4: Use the “Unit Cancellation” method.

“In case you forget a certain formula, you can always use the unit cancellation method to arrive at the answer.

For instance, you know that when a unit of measurement is divided by the same, they will cancel out. What remains will be the unit of measurement of your answer.

Let’s take a look at Work. The unit for Work is N•m. If, for instance, you are looking for the Force that is required to move a block of 1 kg to a distance of 1 m, you can see that some units of measurement can already be cancelled by just looking at the units of the given values.

So you need not worry if you don’t memorize the formulas, because Engineering is actually not about memorization but persistent practice to solve different problems.”

– Two (2) tips from Engr. Arnie de Guzman, RME, REE, PEE, who passed the Electrical Engineering board exam in his first take. Taken from the article “How to Pass the Engineering Board Exams: Tips from a Not-so Topnotcher” submitted to the website

Tip #5: Do not study beyond 12 midnight.

“I know this sounds crazy to some … but hear my reasoning for this.

If you wake up at 8am and study up to 12 midnight, this will give you enough sleep which could lead to better retention on the formulas and on the subject. If you study beyond 12 midnight, you will need more time to sleep to recuperate your body’s energy, and that would actually waste some of your time.”

Tip #6: Borrow materials from previous REE takers.

“It would be great if you can borrow review materials from [your seniors in college who already passed the exam]. The materials would be a great help as it will serve as additional reference and, at the same time, boost your confidence since you already know what to expect if ever you will enroll in a review center.

For those who are not planning to enroll in a review center, this is a must for you. It will surely guide you on what topics to focus on and what type of questions to expect in the board exam.”

– Tips from the article “How to Pass the Registered Electrical Engineer Board Exam” from the website

REE Board Exam Requirements

According to the PRC rules, to be eligible to take the Electrical Engineering licensure exam, applicants are required to submit the following requirements.

  1. Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), formerly NSO
  2. Marriage Contract, for married female applicants, issued by the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), formerly NSO
  3. Transcript of Records with scanned picture and Remarks “For Board Examination Purposes”
  4. Exam fee of P900.00 for first-time takers and P450.00 for conditional / removal examinees.

For those with “CONDITIONAL” or “REMOVAL” score: the PRC allows the retake or re-examination of failed subjects any number of times.

Roles and Responsibilities of an Electrical Engineer

In the Philippines, a Registered Electrical Engineer is a professional engaged in the performance of any or all of the following services:

  1. Consultation, investigation, valuation, and management of services requiring electrical engineering knowledge;
  2. Design and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for electric powers systems, power plans, power distribution system including power transformers, transmissions lines and network protection, switchgear, building wiring, electrical machines, equipment and others;
  3. Supervision of erection, installation, testing and commissioning of power plans, substation, transmission lines, industrial plans and others;
  4. Supervision of operation and maintenance of electrical equipment in powers plants, industrial plants, watercrafts, electric locomotives and others;
  5. Supervision on the manufacture and repair of electrical equipment including switchboards, transformers, generators, motors, apparatus and others;
  6. Teaching of electrical engineering professional subjects; and
  7. Taking charge of the sale and distribution of electrical equipment and systems requiring engineering calculations or applications of engineering data.

Prayer for REE Board Exam Takers

Looking for inspiration and divine guidance? Take refuge in this prayer to help thousands of Electrical Engineering board exam takers like you pass this grueling exam.

“Almighty Father,

Guide me and be with me as I take this exam

Inspire me to be calm, confident, and clever.

Help me concentrate and clear my mind

Remove my anxiety and relieve me of stress.

Grant me the wisdom to remember what I studied

And discernment to know the answers that are right.

Provide me strength to pass this challenge

And inspire me to conquer this exam.

I now lay down before you my nerves and fears

Please endow me your peace and warmth of heart.

I pray for my success

All for the glory of God.


Useful PRC and Board Exam Resources

Pinoy Money Talk is an educational website about money, banking, investments, and personal finance which started in 2005. Its group of five writers consists of one equity research analyst, one fintech startup owner, one finance educator, and two investment professionals.