Do you want to know the score you got in the PRC Board Exam? Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to easily verify your PRC exam rating online!
Whether you passed or did not pass the exam, you can easily view your official board exam score and the breakdown of grades you received. Thanks to technology, it’s now convenient to find out your score — anytime, anywhere — once board exam results have been released.
Follow these simple steps to do online verification of your PRC board exam score.
How to Check your PRC Board Exam Score
Just follow the steps below to enable you to view your board exam score using PRC’s online verification system.
Step 1. Access the PRC LERIS website
Head over to the “Verification” section of the PRC LERIS (Licensure Examination and Registration Information System) website by visiting its official URL at
Log in to your account or, if you don’t have a valid account yet, register to open one. For a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for a PRC online account, click here and follow the instructions.

Step 2. Select “Verification of Rating” tab
Once logged in, since you’re interested to check your board exam rating, click the tab for “Verification of Rating”.
Other options available are: (1) Verification of License by Name; and (2) Verification of License by License Number. Take note that you will only use those two if you want to verify if a person is indeed a licensed professional registered with the PRC.
Step 3. Input required verification fields
Now, all you need to do is input all required fields in the “Verification of Rating” form. These include:
- Examination Name – choose your board exam from the dropdown menu
- Examination Date – choose the date of your board exam
- Application No. – input the Application Number personally assigned to you by the PRC
- First Name – make sure the spelling of your First Name is correct
- Last Name – make sure the spelling of your Last Name (Surname) is correct
- Birthdate – your birthday in the following format: Month-Day-Year (MM/DD/YYYY)
Where to find the PRC Application Number required to verify your PRC board exam score? This can be found in your NOA or Notice of Admission. Just look for the PRC Application Number mentioned in that document.
Step 4. View your Board Exam score
Once you have correctly inputted all required information, click the green “Verify” button.
That’s it! You’ll finally get to see your board exam rating and breakdown of exam score.
Must read these other useful PRC board exam information!
- PRC ID Registration for new Board Exam Passers
- PRC Exam Registration for Board Exam Takers in 2020
- How to Renew your PRC ID Online in 5 Easy Steps!
Requirements to Get PRC Certificate of Passing
In some cases, especially if you are applying for a job abroad or taking a professional licensure exam in another country, you will need to show proof that you passed the PRC board exam and the corresponding exam ratings you received.
You will thus need to secure a Certificate of Passing or Report of Rating from the PRC, such as the sample below for someone who passed the Criminologist Licensure Exam.

To request a certification or to authenticate your PRC documents, prepare the following requirements:
- Valid PRC ID (Professional Identification Card) and photocopy of PRC ID for exam passers – if PRC ID is expired, present Claim Slip of processed application for renewal of PRC ID;
- Any valid ID for examinees who failed
- Duly accomplished Request Form
- Documentary stamps (Doc stamps)
- If requesting authentication: Original and photocopy of PRC documents to be authenticated
How to Apply for Report of Rating / Certificate of Passing
Here’s the Application Process to get a certification from PRC that you passed the board exam.
- Secure a Request Form from the Officer-of-the-Day or reception counter of the PRC office.
- Fill out Request Form and present completed form and other required documents (see “Requirements” above) at the application counter.
- Proceed to the Cashier to pay the certification / authentication fee. If you want to receive the document on the same day, use the Express Lane. However, if you are not in a hurry and are willing to wait, just use the Regular Lane. Your documents will be available after three (3) working days.
How much is PRC Certification or Authentication Fee?
The fee for each certification or authentication issued by the PRC is as follows:
- Express Lane (release on the same day) – P200.00 per copy
- Regular Lane (release after 3 working days) – P75.00 per copy