Did you take the Physician Licensure Exam (PLE) last March 8 and 9, 2020?
If yes, you were part of the 1,500 PLE examinees that took the exam during the first two days but unfortunately, were not able to complete the last two exam sessions scheduled on March 15, and 16, 2020 because the Philippines was placed under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
But it was announced today, July 24, 2020, by Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque that the government’s Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) has now approved the conduct of the 2nd half of the PLE, with the new PLE schedules on September 20 and 21, 2020.
Make sure to check your Room Assignment below which has been provided by the PRC, so that you’ll know where to go and where to take the PLE exam!
UPDATE (September 2020): The official room assignments for those taking Part 2 of the Physician Board Exam in September 2020 are now released! Scroll below to see which exam venues already include the note “Now Available!”. This means room assignments for these venues are ready for viewing. If the PDF file is not yet displayed, the PRC is still finalizing the room assignment but it will be uploaded very soon. Kindly refresh the page or visit this page again later to see if the update has been posted.
To help you pass the exam, why not check out useful tips and tricks which we compiled below from board exam passers and topnotchers themselves? Good luck!
Do you want to receive important announcements about the Physician Licensure Exam? Then click here to like the Board Exam Results Facebook page!

Before you take the Board Exam, be informed about the following important details — including exam schedule, dress code, and what you can and cannot bring during exam day. All these are official instructions sourced from the PRC.
Physician Licensure Exam Schedule (Sept 2020)
On the first day of the board exam, be present at the venue early so you can check your room and seat number. Take note that examinees who will come in late will NOT be admitted to the exam room so don’t be late, otherwise, you might not be able to take the board exam!
Here’s the tentative schedule and exam topics in the upcoming Physician Licensure Exam (Part 2) on September 2020.
Sunday, September 20, 2020 (Original schedule: March 15, 2020)
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Surgery and Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology and Rhinology
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Medicine
Monday, September 21, 2020 (Original schedule: March 16, 2020)
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Pediatrics and Nutrition
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Here’s a copy of the decision from the government’s anti-COVID task force IATF on the conduct of the PLE in September 2020.

Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates on the PLE!
In the original PLE held last March 2020, here is the schedule of the first two days of the board exam.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
- 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM – General Instructions and Filling out of Forms
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Biochemistry
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Anatomy and Histology
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Microbiology and Parasitology
Monday, March 9, 2020
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Physiology
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Legal Medicine, Ethics, and Medical Jurisprudence
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Pathology
PLE Exam Dress Code
Please note that all examinees are REQUIRED to wear their respective school uniforms during board exam days.
What to Bring During Physician Licensure Exam
Make sure to bring the following items with you during exam day:
- Notice of Admission (NOA)
- Official Receipt (OR)
- Two (2) or more Pencils (No. 2)
- Ballpens with black ink (black ballpens) only
- One (1) piece long brown envelope
- One (1) piece long transparent plastic envelope (for safekeeping of valuables and other allowed items)
- Food – all examinees are required to bring with them snacks or meals placed inside a transparent plastic bag. No other person, including the proctors or room watchers, shall be allowed to give or distribute food to any examinee while the board exam is in progress.
NOTE: During the exam, candidates are not allowed to borrow anything or to communicate with other people taking the exam. Examinees are also not allowed to leave the room, so with regard to using the CR, make sure you go to the restroom right before taking the exam.
Prohibited Items During Physician Licensure Exam (PLE)
Take note that the following items are NOT ALLOWED to be brought inside the exam room:
- Calculators which are programmable or with embedded functions, especially CASIO FX991ES or CASIO FX991ES PLUS;
- Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data / information / formula;
- Cellphones, mobile phones, ear plugs, transmitters, portable computers, smart watches, Bluetooth and other electronic gadgets or devices which may be used for communication purposes;
- Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.);
- Other examination aids not stated on this program.
Tips to Pass the Physician Licensure Exam (PLE)
Do you want some tips to help you pass the PLE exam?
Without a doubt, passing the Physician Licensure Exam requires tons of preparation, hard work, persistence, and determination. You will surely do your part. You will study long hours, read a lot of books, and answer hundreds of pages of reviewers.

But do you want to hear useful tips, this time straight from those who already passed the Physician boards? Here’s our collection of the best insights and tips from PLE passers and topnotchers themselves!
Check out and adopt the following tips which we compiled from ITA ET MEDICINA. For more useful PLE tips, like our Board Exam Results Facebook page!
Tip #1: Rest, sleep because you will surely get tired.
“Contrary to popular notion that you should work yourself like a horse studying all day, rest is as important a consideration. For many if not most of us, studying for three-fourths of the entire day is just not possible.
You will be tired. And there will be days that you won’t be as productive as you’d like to. This was advice I got from my mentor and I can attest that it is true.
During the first week of my review, while I wasn’t able to finish what I planned, I felt that I was slowly making progress. Studying was actually quite fulfilling.
The following week however, my pace was even slower. My backlogs were just piling up. I could not focus as well as before.
I think this is where “buffer” days come in when scheduling. Unless you’re the type who is able to stick religiously to a rigorous schedule, you will need time to catch up because there will be unexpected “slow” days and times when you need a breather.
Expect the unexpected: rest is important when making one’s schedule.
As much as I wanted to sleep at most six hours, I found myself waking up much later especially when I would sleep way past midnight.”
Sleep — especially REM sleep — is important for memory . Adequate sleep not only gives you the energy for concentration but also the right mood to face the day’s new challenges: the metabolic pathways, the life cycle of malaria, or maybe differentiating immune deficiencies.
Tip #2: Surround yourself with people you can share your anxiety with.
“The road leading to the PLE is really an emotional roller coaster.
I used to wonder why those studying for the boards were fretting so much when they had at least two months to review what they learned in five years of medical school and internship.
When it was my turn, I understood it very well! The feeling of inadequacy is true. The feeling of not knowing enough is palpable. The feeling of fear is real.
I personally would prefer studying by myself most of the time. I found it easier to focus and pace myself with less undue stress of comparing with how others were keeping up. However, I did make sure to see my friends regularly and have light conversations and sharing the usual “panic”.
Surround yourself with companions on the same journey. It helps to ease the anxieties.
While I believe that each one has his or her own pace and style, being with fellow board exam takers can give you a rough gauge of how you are doing.Plus, doing so would keep you in the loop with information such as deadlines for the PRC application, useful mnemonics and high-yield materials (more on “patok” later).
Also, talk to those who have already traversed the same road successfully. While the scope of their board exams may be nowhere near yours (believe me, this may be true for several subjects), the tips and encouragement from our seniors give a little push of confidence. If they made it through, you can too.”
Tip #3: Get yourself ready at least a day before the exam.
“For weeks and months, you’ve been (hopefully) preparing hard and putting into practice the schedule and strategy you’ve committed to following. Now to make sure that everything is optimal, don’t neglect preparing well the day before.
Most would advice to stop studying one day prior to the start of the board exams. But okay, we really couldn’t really spend that final day without studying. At least make sure that you drop the review materials by evening, put into order the things you’ll be bringing and go to bed early enough.
I personally blocked off late Friday afternoon of my schedule as “obligatory rest”. My dad and I went to Mass and did some last minute trips to the drug store and supermarket.
My medicine kit included NSAIDs and analgesics, antacids, antihistamines and antimotility agents. On the morning of the exam, I took an antidiarrheal “prophylactically” but during the day I could still feel my bowels rumbling from the anxiety.
Sharpen your pencils (or have others sharpen them for you) and have enough extras. Bring a black pen, eraser and sharpener with you. Check if your non-programmable calculator is allowed by PRC. Put them all in your bag including review materials to breeze through during the break (because that time is also valuable).
Many schools have a tradition of distributing all sorts of giveaways to those about to take the PLE. They may contain candies and chocolates — anti-hypoglycemia packs, if you will (since you may eat during the exams), pencils and notes of encouragement.
I’ll say this again: try to sleep early. The night before the PLE, my friend experienced insomnia. Sleep deprivation lends no good favor for the next day’s performance. Have your bag and things prepared (if possible days before), set your best alarms on and get yourself to hit the sack earlier than usual.”
Tip #4: Study hard but, more importantly, study smart.
“When we were interns, a topnotcher from our college had this advice to tell us: “You start studying for the boards on the first day of medical school.”
Hearing this can be disappointing for many. We should have read books when we were reading transcriptions. We should have committed high-yield facts and concepts to long-term memory rather than just figuring out how to pass the next exam.
Whether you opt to enroll for review classes or not, preparing for the PLE still boils down to one’s quality of self-study. (Case in point: Those who self-reviewed from our class and the previous batch all passed the boards.)
It is tempting to get a copy of all the recommended review books (which differ depending on who you ask). However, a regular student will not be able to finish reading everything.
A good rule of thumb would be to choose and master one or two review materials per subject. They say that the goal is two read them at least twice or thrice. I admit to not having finished most once. (I’m not a very good example, haha!)
I think the key to studying smart is to discern what is high-yield. (For example, one lecturer shared his technique of remembering the “counter-intuitive” details.) Aim for understanding but do not underestimate the value of memory devices.
If you have review classes, listen as best as you can to the lecturers and utilize the materials they’ve prepared. (Make the most of what you’re paying for!) Often they will point out the most tested concepts.
It’s not enough to spend numerous hours studying. You also have to study smart. Have a battle plan when approaching study. Prioritize topics to cover. Answer sample exams if that helps you. Dedicate effort to memorize certain facts.
Saint Josemaria Escriva once wrote: “Study. Obedience: non multa, sed multum — not many things, but well.”
Tip #5: Psyche yourself that the PLE is not an end but just the beginning.
“While the PLE is probably the most important test a physician has to take in his career, it isn’t the end.
While reviewing for the boards, I wasn’t feeling what our seniors have told us: that you will feel your “smartest” right before the boards.
I was seeing that it’s true that the more you come to know, the more you realize how much you don’t. The reality is that there is just so many things to know in medicine (even for a GP).
I had this idea that the day after the physician licensure exam, I would probably not be any smarter. There would still be so much for me to learn. And that’s the lifelong learning part of being a physician.
Passing the PLE actually opens up a door of new possibilities. It’s the beginning of the rest of our lives as full-pledged physicians.
Then you will make major decisions that will direct your life or career. Will you pursue residency training? Are you going to do primary care as a moonlighting general practitioner? Will you take a “year off” to pursue other passions — travel, research, public health and whatnot? Is tying the knot and starting a family a consideration in the near future? These choices will have to be made sooner than you think!”

Useful PRC Links and Board Exam Resources:
- Physician Licensure Exam (PLE) 2020 RESULTS & LIST OF PASSERS
- How to RENEW your PRC ID Online in 5 Easy Steps
- PRC Registration for New Board Exam Passers
- How to Check your Actual Board Exam Score: PRC Verification of Rating
- PRC Online Appointment & Exam Registration Application
PRC Room Assignments: Sept 2020 Physician MD Exam
If you see a “Now Available!” note beside the exam venue, it means the PRC already released the list for that province or city and you may now view the room assignment. If it is not yet available, the PRC is still finalizing the school and classroom details. We will update this post once the official Room Assignments are released.
Here are additional useful tips we suggest you follow before the exam.
1. You’ll notice that even in just one school, several buildings and classrooms will be used as testing centers. To make sure that you proceed to the correct location, write down and take note of the exact Building, Classroom, and Seat Number assigned to you.
2. Before the day of the board exam, find out the address of the school or venue where you’ll be taking the exam. Research the actual location using Google Maps or a guide map to determine how to get there.
3. Better yet, try visiting the venue a few days before the board exam! Doing so will help you discover the best transportation or routes to take. If you simulate going to the venue beforehand, you’ll also have an idea how long it will take you to reach the exam center from your place. This allows you to change your transportation plans, if needed.
4. On the day of the exam, don’t be late! According to the PRC, examinees who will be late will NOT BE ALLOWED to take the board exam. We suggest you arrive at the exam venue at least one (1) hour before the start of the exam. This gives you enough time to locate the building, classroom, and seat number assigned to you.
What happens if you did not show up or weren’t able to take the boards? The answer is in this article: I registered but I did not take the board exam.
MANILA NCR: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in MANILA for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA%20MANILA%20PLE%202020_compressed.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
MANILA NCR – PWD: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/Beda%20PWD%20RA%20PLE%202020.pdf” viewer=”google”]BAGUIO: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in BAGUIO for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-103427_PHYSICIAN_Baguio_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
CDO: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in CAGAYAN DE ORO for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-081706_PHYSICIAN_Cagayan%20de%20Oro_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
CEBU: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in CEBU for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-014831_PHYSICIAN_Cebu_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
DAVAO: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in DAVAO for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/PHY%209-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
ILOILO: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in ILOILO for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-021345_PHYSICIAN_Iloilo_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
LEGAZPI: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in LEGAZPI for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-015437_PHYSICIAN_Legazpi_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
LUCENA: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in LUCENA for the September 20 and 21, 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-102209_PHYSICIAN_Lucena_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
TACLOBAN: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here is the school used as testing center in TACLOBAN in the previous March 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). We will post an update here soon once the Room Assignments for September 2020 has been released. Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-102219_PHYSICIAN_Tacloban_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
TUGUEGARAO: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here is the school used as testing center in TUGUEGARAO in the previous March 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). We will post an update here soon once the Room Assignments for September 2020 has been released. Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-022039_PHYSICIAN_Tuguegarao_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
ZAMBOANGA: Physician Licensure Exam Room Assignment (Sept 2020) – Now Available!
Here is the school used as testing center in ZAMBOANGA in the previous March 2020 Physician Licensure Exam (PLE). We will post an update here soon once the Room Assignments for September 2020 has been released. Like our Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates!
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.prc.gov.ph/sites/default/files/RA-032319_PHYSICIAN_Zamboanga_9-2020.pdf” viewer=”google”]Source: PRC
PLE Exam Requirements by PRC
According to the PRC rules, to be eligible to take the Physician board exam, applicants are required to comply with and to submit the following requirements.
- Graduate of a Doctor of Medicine program in a CHED-recognized educational institution
- Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), formerly NSO
- Marriage Contract, for married female applicants, issued by the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), formerly NSO
- Transcript of Records with scanned picture and Remarks “For Board Examination Purposes”
- Valid NBI Clearance
- Proof of Completion of “Refresher Course” (for those who failed the PLE exam two times)
Take note that those who previously took the exam and were given a “Conditional” or “Removal” score, they must take the PLE board exam again within two (2) years from the date of examination.
Required exam fee is P900.00 for first-time takers and P450.00 for conditional / removal examinees.
Prayer for Physician Licensure Exam (PLE) Takers
Seek divine refuge and inspiration from this solemn prayer to help you pass the PLE and eventually become a licensed MD.
“Almighty Father,
Guide me and be with me as I take this exam
Inspire me to be calm, confident, and clever.
Help me concentrate and clear my mind
Remove my anxiety and relieve me of stress.
Grant me the wisdom to remember what I studied
And discernment to know the answers that are right.
Provide me strength to pass this challenge
Help me conquer this once-in-a-lifetime exam.
I lay down before you my nerves and fears
Shower me peace and warm my heart.
I pray for my success in this exam
All for the glory of Your name.