Are you taking the Medical Technologist (MedTech) Board Exam this March 18-19, 2020? Make sure to check your Room Assignment below which has been provided by the PRC, so that you’ll know where to go and where to take the MedTech board exam!
UPDATE (March 2020): The official room assignments for those taking the MedTech Board Exam are NOW RELEASED! Scroll below to see which exam venues already include the note “Now Available!”. This means room assignments for these venues are ready for viewing. If the PDF file is not yet displayed, the PRC is still finalizing the room assignment but it will be uploaded very soon. Kindly refresh the page or visit this page again later to see if the update has been posted.
To help you pass the exam, why not check out useful tips and tricks which we compiled below from board exam passers and topnotchers themselves? Good luck!
Do you want to receive important announcements about the Medical Technologist Board Exam? Then click here to like the Board Exam Results Facebook page!

Before you take the Board Exam, be informed about the following important details — including exam schedule, dress code, and what you can and cannot bring during exam day. All these are official instructions sourced from the PRC.
MedTech Board Exam Schedule (March 2020)
On the first day of the board exam, be present at the venue before 6:30 AM so you can check your room and seat number. Take note that examinees who will come in late will NOT be admitted to the exam room so don’t be late, otherwise, you might not be able to take the board exam!
Here’s the schedule and exam topics in the upcoming Mar 2020 MedTech board exam released by the PRC.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
- 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM – General Instructions and Filling out of Forms
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Clinical Chemistry
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Microbiology and Parasitology
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and Other Body Fluids)
Thursday, March 19, 2020
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM – Hematology
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Blood Banking and Serology
- 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Histopathologic Techniques, Cryotechnology, Medical Technology Laws, Related Laws and Its Implementing Rules, and the Code of Ethics
MedTech Exam Dress Code
Please note that all examinees are REQUIRED to wear their respective school uniforms during board exam days.
What to Bring During Medical Technology Exam
Make sure to bring the following items with you during exam day:
- Notice of Admission (NOA)
- Official Receipt (OR)
- One (1) piece metered-stamped window mailing envelope
- Two (2) or more Pencils (No. 2)
- Ballpens with black ink (black ballpens) only
- One (1) piece long brown envelope
- One (1) piece long transparent plastic envelope (for safekeeping of valuables and other allowed items)
- Food – all examinees are required to bring with them snacks or meals placed inside a transparent plastic bag. No other person, including the proctors or room watchers, shall be allowed to give or distribute food to any examinee while the board exam is in progress.
NOTE: During the exam, candidates are not allowed to borrow anything or to communicate with other people taking the exam. Examinees are also not allowed to leave the room, so with regard to using the CR, make sure you go to the restroom right before taking the exam.
What NOT to Bring During MedTech Exam
Take note that the following items are NOT ALLOWED to be brought inside the exam room:
- Programmable calculators;
- Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials containing coded data / information / formula;
- Cellphones, mobile phones, ear plugs, transmitters, portable computers, smart watches, Bluetooth and other electronic gadgets or devices which may be used for communication purposes;
- Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.);
- Other examination aids not stated on this program.
Tips to Pass the MedTech Board Exam

Do you want some tips to help you pass the MedTech exam?
Without a doubt, passing the Medical Technologist Licensure Exam requires tons of preparation, hard work, persistence, and determination. You will surely do your part. You will study long hours, read a lot of books, and answer hundreds of pages of reviewers. But do you want to hear useful tips, this time straight from those who already passed the Medical Technology boards?
Here’s our collection of the best insights and tips to help you ace the exam! The first two (2) useful tips below were sourced from InkedPatata, a blog by a MedTech exam passer who’s now a proud RMT (Registered Medical Technologist)!
Tip #1: Make a wise decision regarding enrolling in a review center.
Know your capabilities — if you think you can do self-review diligently and effectively, then no need to enroll in a review center. If you’re highly motivated, have access to ample useful resources, and determined to pass, then you’re already good to go!
But if you think you need additional assistance, support, and guidance, choose to enroll in a review center. At the end of the day, it’s gonna be you — not the review center — who can ensure that you will pass the MedTech exam.
Tip #2: Trust your instincts regarding the correct answer.
There will be questions in the RMT exam that you’ll feel like there are multiple answers — or worse, no correct answer! — from the multiple choice answers. That will surely happen. Go with your gut feel and trust your instincts that the first answer that got to your head is likely the correct answer. Tiwala lang.
Specific tips regarding the exam topics:
Microbiology and Parasitology – Apollon and Albas were our main references and some questions appeared in the exam but asked in a different way. The questions may appear confusing at first so, analyze, analyze, analyze! Bailey’s and Scott are helpful here as well.
Hematology – There were several trick questions here but do not overthink. If possible, do not change your answer anymore and go with your gut feel. Hubbard is a helpful resource here.
Blood Banking and Serology – For most Medtech exam takers, this section appears to be the most difficult. It seems like they are using this section to weed out possible RMT passers from failers! So study this really well, review, and study this again!
The additional three (3) tips below are supposedly useful if the Medical Technologist Exam when is just a few days away. We compiled these from Hope this helps!
Tip #3: Go through all your notes for the first batch of exams.
Specifically, this is for Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology & Parasitology, and Clinical Microscopy. Do not re-read all your books because at this point, that would only overwhelm you. Just stick to your notes.
Tip #4: Never underestimate the recall questions.
These are the questions that usually pop up on the tests every year. If you’ve attended review centers, you probably have a list of them. If you’re self-studying, you can always ask your professors, board passers, or batchmates who went to review centers.
Tip #5: Stop the all-nighter review.
You’ve done it for months now. This is the time to give your body a break. It will be difficult to cram additional voluminous information in just 1 or 2 days so take a break, rest, and hope for the best!
Useful PRC Links and Board Exam Resources:
- MedTech Board Exam (RMT) 2020 RESULTS and LIST OF PASSERS
- How to RENEW your PRC ID Online in 5 Easy Steps
- PRC Registration for New Board Exam Passers
- How to Check your Actual Board Exam Score: PRC Verification of Rating
- PRC Online Appointment & Exam Registration Application
PRC Room Assignments: MedTech Exam (March 2020)
If you see a “Now Available!” note beside the exam venue, it means the PRC already released the list for that province or city and you may now view the room assignment. If it is not yet available, the PRC is still finalizing the school and classroom details. We will update this post once the official Room Assignments are released.
Here are additional useful tips we suggest you follow before the exam.
1. You’ll notice that even in just one school, several buildings and classrooms will be used as testing centers. To make sure that you proceed to the correct location, write down and take note of the exact Building, Classroom, and Seat Number assigned to you.
2. Before the day of the board exam, find out the address of the school or venue where you’ll be taking the exam. Research the actual location using Google Maps or a guide map to determine how to get there.
3. Better yet, try visiting the venue a few days before the board exam! Doing so will help you discover the best transportation or routes to take. If you simulate going to the venue beforehand, you’ll also have an idea how long it will take you to reach the exam center from your place. This allows you to change your transportation plans, if needed.
4. On the day of the exam, don’t be late! According to the PRC, examinees who will be late will NOT BE ALLOWED to take the board exam. We suggest you arrive at the exam venue at least one (1) hour before the start of the exam. This gives you enough time to locate the building, classroom, and seat number assigned to you.
What happens if you did not show up or weren’t able to take the boards? The answer is in this article: I registered but I did not take the board exam.
MANILA NCR: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020)
Note: The March 2020 MedTech board exam venues are being finalized and will be released soon. Like the Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates once posted.
For your guidance, we identify below the schools that were used as testing centers in MANILA last 2019. We’ll find out soon if these same schools will be used in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
BAGUIO: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in BAGUIO in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]CAGAYAN DE ORO: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020)
Note: The March 2020 MedTech board exam venues are being finalized and will be released soon. Like the Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates once posted.
For your guidance, we identify below the schools that were used as testing centers in CDO last 2019. We’ll find out soon if these same schools will be used in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
CEBU: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in CEBU in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]DAVAO: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020)
Note: The March 2020 MedTech board exam venues are being finalized and will be released soon. Like the Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates once posted.
For your guidance, we identify below the schools that were used as testing centers in MANILA last 2019. We’ll find out soon if these same schools will be used in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
ILOILO: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in ILOILO in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]LUCENA: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in LUCENA in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]TACLOBAN: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (Mar 2020)
Here is the school to be used as testing center in TACLOBAN during the Mar 2020 MedTech Licensure Exam.
- Your Room Assignment is currently being finalized by PRC. Like the Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates once the final room assignment becomes available.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
TUGUEGARAO: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020) – Now Available!
Here are the schools to be used as testing centers in TUGUEGARAO in the upcoming Mar 2020 Medical Technology Board Exam.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]ZAMBOANGA: MedTech Exam Room Assignment (March 2020)
Here is the school to be used as testing center in ZAMBOANGA during the Mar 2020 MedTech Licensure Exam.
- Your Room Assignment is currently being finalized by PRC. Like the Board Exam Results Facebook page to receive updates once the final room assignment becomes available.
To view your exact room assignment, please wait a few seconds for the PDF file below to load completely. If the file won’t display properly, simply refresh or reload this page. Sometimes it takes two or three page refreshes to completely load the Room Assignments PDF file.
If you find any errors in the spelling of your name, school, date of birth, or application number, please contact the Application Division of the PRC office nearest you to request a correction of these errors. Alternatively, on the exam day itself, you may approach the proctors or room watchers to request to rectify the errors.
Medical Technologist Exam Requirements by PRC
According to the PRC rules, to be eligible to take the MedTech exam, applicants are required to comply with and to submit the following requirements.
- Graduate of a BS Medical Technologist program in a CHED-recognized educational institution
- Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), formerly NSO
- Marriage Contract, for married female applicants, issued by the Philippine Statistics Office (PSA), formerly NSO
- Transcript of Records with scanned picture and Remarks “For Board Examination Purposes”
- Valid NBI Clearance
- Proof of Completion of “Refresher Course” (for those who failed the MedTech exam two times)
Take note that those who previously took the exam and were given a “Conditional” or “Removal” score, they must take the Medical Technologist board exam again within two (2) years from the date of examination.
Required exam fee is P900.00 for first-time takers and P450.00 for conditional / removal examinees.
Medical Technologist Board Exam Coverage 2020
The general topics included in the MedTech Licensure Exam are the following. You may find the detailed topics for each section below in the succeeding PDF files, sourced from the PRC.
- Hematology: 20%
- Microbiology and Parasitology: 20%
- Clinical Chemistry: 20%
- Blood Banking & Serology: 20%
- Clinical Microscopy: 10%
- Histopathologic techniques & Med. Tech. Laws: 10%
As per Resolution No. 15 Series of 1996 , the individual subjects in the Boards shall be composed of six (6) parts with the corresponding percentage weights.
Topics included in MedTech Exam 2020
See below detailed information about Medical Technologist topics included in the MedTech board exam, including number of questions or exam items, percentage weights by topic, and competencies / outcomes to be tested.
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”google”]Prayer for MedTech Board Exam Takers
Looking for inspiration and divine guidance? Seek refuge in this prayer to help thousands of exam takers like you pass this grueling exam.
“Almighty Father,
Guide me and be with me as I take this exam
Inspire me to be calm, clever, and confident.
Help me concentrate and clear my mind
Remove my anxiety and relieve me of stress.
Grant me the wisdom to remember what I studied
And discernment to know answers that are right.
Provide me strength to pass this challenge
Help me conquer this once-in-a-lifetime exam.
I lay down before you my nerves and fears
Shower me peace and warm my heart.
I pray for my success in this exam
All for the glory of Your name.