Banking and Bank Products

BPI ATM problems: Negative account balances, unauthorized withdrawals

If you are a customer of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) and you find yourself unable to login to BPI ExpressOnline or the mobile banking app, or worse, you’re seeing negative balances or unauthorized withdrawals in your account, here’s why:

BPI is currently experiencing an IT system error that caused some transactions to be posted and to affect deposit accounts even if they weren’t authorized by the customer.

Here’s the official statement from BPI, posted on their official Facebook page.

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ATM cloning is real and it’s here in the Philippines

A Facebook post by an alert netizen who noticed that something is not right with the automated teller machine (ATM) he is using has gone viral, prompting fears that ATM fraud and card skimming are very much real and are already victimizing Filipinos.

Facebook user Francis Castillo posted on December 2 photos of what seemed to be tampering devices attached to one BPI ATM located at the Fort Global City. The device apprently can be used to record a user’s Personal Identification Number or PIN and perhaps even clone the ATM which can be used to withdraw all money deposited in that bank account.

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Car Loan financing rates in the Philippines

Looking to buy a new car soon?

If you don’t have enough cash on hand, chances are you’ll rely on car loans to finance your purchase. Do you know which banks offer the best car deals?

Check out our list below to guide you!

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