Are you a Filipino citizen looking to apply for a new passport or to renew your expired Philippine passport? Just follow our simple 5-step guide so you can get your passport right away.
I remember, more than a decade ago, I was excited to apply to get my first-ever Philippine passport. I arrived at the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Manila office at 6:00 AM, hoping to get my new passport as soon as the office opened at 8:00 AM.

Boy, was I wrong! The sun is not yet fully up — it’s just 6:00 am anyway — but hundreds of other applicants were already lined up ahead of me! I wonder what time they got there? 3:00 or 4:00 am perhaps?
Braving the heat and hunger, I had no choice but to queue and wait for my turn. Smartphones and music players were not yet a thing back then, so I had to entertain myself with a comic book.
After lining up and waiting for several hours, by 2:00 PM, I finally received my first Philippine passport! A product of my literal sweat from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM — this surely was quite an achievement!
These days, fortunately, passport application in the Philippines is much, much easier.
Thanks to the DFA’s Online Passport Appointment website, we no longer have to struggle for hours anymore. All we need is a valid online appointment and everything will just be a breeze.
If you’re wondering how you can apply to get a new passport or to renew your old Philippine passport, check out this 5-step guide below and you’re on your way to getting a new passport hassle-free.

Step 1: Schedule a Passport Appointment Online
Gone are the days when we have to queue for hours to get a new passport. Currently, the DFA offers an online system which allows applicants to conveniently book an appointment at their preferred date. However, walk-ins are not allowed. (There are exceptions, though, and walk-in applications are allowed for some people. Find out who are exempted in the list down below.)
Where to book a passport appointment?
There are two ways to set a passport appointment — online and via telephone:
- Book an online appointment via the DFA Passport Online Appointment System
- Call the DFA Appointment Hotline at (02) 737-1000 anytime from Monday to Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm

Take note: there are only a few slots available per given schedule, which means there is no assurance that a slot will be available on your chosen appointment day.
The good news, though, is that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) keeps on opening additional slots per month. If you are booking online, it sometimes helps to refresh and to reload the page to see if new slots during your preferred schedule have opened up. This happens because some applicants cancel their slots.
When I applied a year ago, I was disappointed that my preferred date has been filled up. While finalizing an alternative schedule, I decided to refresh the page and, to my surprise, my original preferred date showed an available slot. It looks like someone canceled his slot. I was able to book that schedule, and so the lesson here is that reloading the page might sometimes gives you a reward: an available slot on your preferred date.
According to the DFA, slots are made available from 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. from Mondays to Saturdays, except holidays. This likely means they are cleaning up the schedules or adding new slots. That could be a good time to check if there are available slots on your preferred date.
By the way, here’s one very important reminder from the DFA: online passport appointment is FREE.
Do not be fooled by people offering you help or assistance to book an appointment in exchange for a fee. The DFA is discouraging applicants from securing online appointment using fixers who will require payment from you.
How to book an online appointment with DFA?
Follow these simple steps to complete your online passport appointment with the DFA.
1. Visit and click the “Schedule an Appointment” link in the menu.
2. In the pop-up box that will appear, click the button “Start Appointment” to begin your application.
3. Read the “Terms and Conditions” and, if you agree, check the section “I have read and understood the instructions and information on this page, and agree to the Terms and Conditions on the use of this online appointment and scheduling system.”
4. Choose between “Start Individual Appointment” or “Start Group Appointment.” Individual appointment is for a single applicant while the group appointment is for a group of 2 to 5 people.
5. Choose the site location where you want to set an appointment. After choosing your preferred location, click “Next”.

6. You will then see dates that are colored green or red. Green-colored dates mean there are remaining time slots available, while red-colored dates mean they are fully booked. Choose an available date and time for your appointment. Take note that your chosen time slot is reserved only for 15 minutes. If you have not completed the appointment by this time, you will be redirected to the homepage.

7. Type in all the required information, including:
- Your Personal Information
- Your Father Information
- Your Mother’s Information
- Passport Application (whether new, renewal, or lost application)
- Contact Information (complete address and occupation)

8. In the succeeding page, review the information you submitted and click the “Confirm” button if you are ready to submit.

9. Check your email for the link to the “Confirmed Appointment Packet.” Take note of the Reference Number that will be included in the packet. You will need this Reference Number when making the payment in Step No. 2 below.
Is walk-in application allowed without an appointment?
As per the DFA’s rules, regular applicants cannot simply walk in and apply for a passport; an online appointment is required. However, there are exemptions to this rule.
Who are allowed to submit walk-in applications?
Walk-in application is allowed, without need for prior appointment, ONLY for the following applicants:
- Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) with proof of status, such as iDOLE OFW, card, valid employment contract, valid Work Visa, or Seaman’s book stamped at international border less than 365 days from the date of application;
- Senior Citizen, 60 years old and above, with Senior Citizen ID and one (1) travel companion;
- Person with Disability (PWD) with PWD ID or visible disability and one (1) travel companion;
- Solo Parent with Valid Solo Parent ID and his/her minor children;
- Pregnant woman with medical certificate;
- Minor aged seven (7) years old and below, and his/her parents.
For Senior Citizens and PWD applicants, the DFA allows one (1) companion to go with them who can also apply to get a passport without need for online appointment.
The companion must be an immediate family member (spouse, sibling, adult children, adult grandchildren, parents-in-law, and children-in-law) and must show proof of relationship. If the companion is not an immediate family member, the companion must present proof of travel arrangements (for example, confirmed plane or hotel booking) with the Senior Citizen or PWD applicant in order to be allowed to avail of the Priority Lane.
If you belong to the list above, you may walk in and avail of the Priority Lane / Courtesy Lane / OFW Lane at DFA Aseana, any DFA Satellite Office, or Regional Consular Office.
Where are the DFA branches in Metro Manila?

If you are located in NCR or Metro Manila, you may choose to apply in one of six (6) DFA branches. Here are the addresses of the DFA main office and satellite offices in Metro Manila.
Peso Balanced Fund | Jan-Dec 2019 Return | 1-Year Return | 3-Year Return | 5-Year Return | |
1 | PAMI Horizon Fund | 7.62% | 7.65% | 3.50% | 0.50% |
2 | Philam Fund | 6.88% | 7.06% | 3.39% | 0.42% |
3 | NCM Mutual Fund of the Phils. | 6.51% | 6.59% | 3.93% | 1.28% |
4 | Sun Life Prosperity Dynamic Fund | 6.18% | 6.28% | 3.95% | -0.12% |
5 | Sun Life of Canada Prosperity Balanced Fund | 6.11% | 6.36% | 4.44% | 0.82% |
6 | First Metro Save and Learn Balanced Fund | 3.67% | 4.11% | 3.95% | -0.99% |
7 | Solidaritas Fund | 3.18% | 3.24% | 2.98% | 1.14% |
8 | Grepalife Balanced Fund | 1.92% | 2.04% | No Data | No Data |
9 | ATRAM Philippine Balanced Fund | -1.02% | -0.58% | 0.28% | -1.26% |
10 | ATRAM Dynamic Allocation Fund | -5.11% | -5.04% | -1.39% | -3.95% |
11 | First Metro Save and Learn F.O.C.C.U.S. Dynamic Fund | No Data | No Data | No Data | No Data |
11 | Sun Life Prosperity Achiever Fund 2028 | No Data | No Data | No Data | No Data |
11 | Sun Life Prosperity Achiever Fund 2038 | No Data | No Data | No Data | No Data |
11 | Sun Life Prosperity Achiever Fund 2048 | No Data | No Data | No Data | No Data |
Where are the DFA offices outside Metro Manila?
Applicants located in the provinces (outside Metro Manila) may visit any DFA regional consular office near them in order to apply to get a passport.
Step 2: Pay the Passport Fee before going to the DFA office
All passport applicants are now required to pay the passport processing fee before they even make the personal appearance at a DFA consular office. The DFA implemented this rule to discourage applicants who fail to show up during their chosen appointment date.
Where to pay the Philippine passport processing fee?
Payment of passport fees may be done at DFA-approved payment centers, such as:
- Bayad Center
- 7-11 Convenience Store
- Robinsons Business Center in Robinsons Department Store
- USCC Western Union
We have the complete list of Payment Centers in the section “Where can I pay the passport fee (DFA Payment Centers)?” below.
How much is the Passport Fee?
The fee will depend on whether you want your passport processed ASAP or processed normally. You may choose from two options:
- Regular Processing; or
- Express (Expedited) Processing
The Regular passport application fee is P950.00. Regular processing means your Philippine passport will be released to you after 12 working days, regardless if the application was made within or outside Metro Manila.
If you need your passport ASAP, you may choose the alternative: a faster but slightly more expensive option. The Express passport processing fee is P1,200.00. For this expedited method, the passport will be released to you after 6 working days (for applications in Metro Manila) and 7 working days (for applications outside Metro Manila).
Take note that for all passport applications processed on a Saturday, the processing fee is fixed at P1,200.00.
For all Philippine Foreign Service Posts abroad, the application fee is $60.00 or its equivalent in foreign currency in that the country while the release of passports usually takes around 4-6 weeks.
Passport Application Fee and Processing Time
Application Venue | Regular | Express (Expedited Processing) |
DFA Aseana and Consular offices (within Metro Manila) | PHP 950.00 (12 working days) | PHP 1,200.00 (6 working days) |
DFA Consular offices (outside Metro Manila) | PHP 950.00 (12 working days) | PHP 1,200.00 (7 working days) |
Foreign Service Posts (outside Philippines) | US$60.00 (4-6 weeks) |
Where can I find the “Reference Number” to pay the passport fee?
In “Step 1: Schedule a Passport Appointment Online”, make sure you correctly chose your preferred passport processing type (expedited or regular). You should have received a Reference Number related to your application that was sent directly to your email.
Check your email and print a copy or take note of the “Reference Number” sent by the DFA. It actually doesn’t matter which payment center you’ll make the payment. This is going to be your choice. What’s more important is the “Reference Number” of your passport application.
Where can I pay the passport fee (DFA Payment Centers)?

Here’s a list of ePayment Centers in the Philippines authorized by the DFA to receive the passport application fee:
- Robinsons Business Center
- Robinsons Department Store
- Waltemart Department Store
Bayad Center / Bills Payment Center
- Bayad Center (see related article: How to Franchise Bayad Center)
- ECPay
Convenience Store
- 7-Eleven (see related article: 7-11 Franchise for only P300,000)
Remittance Center
- USSC (Western Union)
- Villarica Pawnshop
When paying in any of these payment centers, bring a copy of the email sent to you by the DFA or copy the “Reference Number” in that email. This is very important since the Reference Number corresponds to your passport application.
One reference number corresponds to only one transaction. If you are paying for multiple reference numbers, you will need to separately pay for each reference number. The DFA advises applicants against splitting the payment (that is, making more than one payment using the same reference number).
Also take note that there is an additional P50.00 convenience fee which was added on top of the passport processing fee which you will also pay at any of the payment centers above. After payment, make sure to keep the Official Receipt.
At present, credit card or ATM / debit card payments are not yet allowed but, according to the DFA, they are currently testing these methods and will soon accept debit and credit card payments.
What is the “Confirmed Appointment Packet”?
Once your payment is processed and confirmed, the DFA will email you the Confirmed Appointment Packet, which contains the documents you must print and bring to the DFA during your scheduled appointment.
In the email you will receive, click the link to your passport appointment packet. You will then be able to download a PDF copy of the following documents. The “Confirmed Appointment Packet” contains the following documents which you must print and bring during your personal appearance at the DFA consular office:
- Checklist with the indicated appointment schedule
- Confirmed Application Form with bar code, appointment reference number (ARN), and eReceipt number
- Two (2) copies of the eReceipt
Step 3: Prepare all Passport Requirements
Make sure you are ready with all required documents before showing up on your appointment date. You are required to print and bring the three (3) items in the “Confirmed Application Packet” sent to your email, plus other Core and Supporting Requirements identified below.
Regardless if you are applying for a new passport or renewing your expired passport or replacing a lost passport, print and bring with you the following contents of the “Confirmed Application Packet” which you received in your email after successfully booking an online appointment:
- Checklist with your indicated schedule;
- Confirmed Application Form with the bar code, appointment reference number (ARN), and eReceipt number; and
- Two (2) copies of the eReceipt.
Valid IDs accepted for Passport Application / Renewal

You are required to bring any of the following IDs, together with one (1) photocopy of said ID, when applying to get a new passport or to renew your expired passport. Your application may be denied if you won’t use any of the acceptable IDs above so make sure you prepare it beforehand.
The list of valid IDs which may be used for passport application is as follows.
Dollar Equity Fund | Jan-Dec 2019 Return | 1-Year Return | 3-Year Return | 5-Year Return | |
1 | Sun Life Prosperity World Voyager Fund | 24.06% | 25.73% | 9.76% | No Data |
2 | ATRAM AsiaPlus Equity Fund | 10.16% | 11.70% | 7.40% | 1.00% |
Warning! Take note that the DFA does not allow TIN ID or Philhealth ID to be used as valid ID for passport renewal or application purposes. Postal ID, however, has been approved by the DFA as a valid ID for passport application beginning August 1, 2019.
The complete list of passport requirements will depend on the type of applicant, as identified below.
1. New Philippine Passport Requirements in 2020 (Adults)
Core Requirements
- a. Printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.)
- b. Original copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Authenticated Birth Certificate on Security Paper
- – Married Females (who are using their spouse’s last name) are also REQUIRED to submit Original copy of PSA Authenticated Marriage Contract on Security Paper or Report of Marriage
- – If the married female opts to retain her maiden name, a Marriage Contract is NOT required
- – Local Civil Registrar Copy may be required if PSA Birth Certificate is not clear or cannot be read
- c. Any valid ID with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
Supporting Documents
The following additional documents are required depending on your case.
1. If applicant has a Birth Certificate that was registered late:
- If Birth Certificate was registered at least ten (10) years ago, application will be treated as a regular application, and no additional supporting documents will be required.
- If Birth Certificate was registered less than ten (10) years ago, applicant must submit IDs that pre-date the late registration.
- If applicant has no IDs that pre-date the late registered Birth certificate, applicant must produce current IDs and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance.
2. If applicant has NO Birth Certificate or Report of Birth:
- If applicant was born AFTER 1950 – applicant must first file for late registration with Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or Consular Office with jurisdiction over the place where applicant was born. Applicant will then have to submit the original copy of the PSA authenticated late registered Birth Certificate with the requisite supporting documents and IDs that pre-date the late registration.
- If applicant was born ON OR BEFORE 1950 – applicant must submit original copies of PSA Authenticated Certificate of No Birth Record and Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons attesting to the identity of the applicant.
3. If applicant’s marriage has been dissolved and wants to revert to her maiden surname:
- Applicant must submit original copy of the annotated PSA Marriage Certificate (MC) or Report of Marriage (ROM) stating that the marriage has been dissolved; OR
- If annotated MC or ROM from PSA is not yet available, applicant must submit a Certified True Copy of the Court Order dissolving the marriage and a certificate of Finality from the court.
4. If applicant has lacking data in Birth Certificate or Report of Birth:
- Applicant must submit proof of filing of supplemental report or correction from the Local Civil Registrar (LCR).
5. If applicant has discrepancy in data in Birth Certificate / Report of Birth and other documents:
- If the discrepant data is in the Birth Certificate, the applicant must submit annotated Birth Certificate authenticated by PSA reflecting the corrected entry. If the discrepant data is in the other documents, the Birth Certificate will be followed.
- Discrepancy in first name – Applicant must submit a copy of the petition and supporting documents for correction of first name filed with Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or consulate.
- Discrepancy in other data – Applicant must submit annotated birth certificate authenticated by PSA reflecting the corrected entry.
6. If applicant is a Dual Citizen:
- Original PSA authenticated Birth Certificate/Report of Birth and Original Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Foreign Service Post (FSP) or the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and a photocopy.
- Government issued IDs (from the Philippines or from country of second citizenship).
7. If applicant is a Naturalized Filipino Citizen:
- Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
8. If applicant obtained Filipino citizenship by Election:
- Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship
- Identification Certificate of Election from the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
9. If applicant has been granted citizenship by Act of Legislation:
- Certified true copy of the law granting citizenship
- Foreign Birth Certificate authenticated by a Philippine Foreign Service Post abroad
2. Passport Renewal Requirements in 2020 (Adults)

Core Requirements
- a. Printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.)
- b. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
- c. Original PSA authenticated documents that will support the change of name.
- – Marriage Contract
- – Annotated Birth Certificate
- – Annotated Marriage Contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction
- – Death Certificate of Spouse
- – If the married female opts to retain her maiden name, a Marriage Contract is NOT required
- d. Any valid ID with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
Supporting Documents
The following additional documents are required depending on your case.
1. If applicant lost a VALID ePassport
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 1: Passport Requirements for Adults (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. If photocopy of the last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.
- c. Submit the following additional requirements for Lost Valid ePassport:
- – Police Report in English (Original and photocopy)
- – Affidavit of Loss in English (Original and photocopy)
- – Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
2. If applicant lost an EXPIRED ePassport
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 1: Passport Requirements for Adults (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. If photocopy of the last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.
- c. Submit the following additional requirements for Lost Expired ePassport:
- – Affidavit of Loss in English
- – Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
3. In case of Renewal of a FREQUENTLY LOST ePassport
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 1: Passport Requirements for Adults (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for Frequently Lost Valid ePassport:
- – Police Report in English
- – Affidavit of Loss in English
- – Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
4. In case applicant used a Travel Document to travel back to the Philippines
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 1: Passport Requirements for Adults (New Passport)” above will also apply.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for applicants who used Travel Documents to travel back to the Philippines:
- – Original Travel Document
- – Affidavit of Explanation
5. In case applicant lost the Travel Document used to travel back to the Philippines
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 1: Passport Requirements for Adults (New Passport)” above will also apply.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for applicants who used Travel Documents to travel back to the Philippines:
- – Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration
- – Affidavit of Explanation
6. In case passport has been mutilated or damaged
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 1: Passport Requirements for Adults (New Passport)” above will also apply.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for applicants who used Travel Documents to travel back to the Philippines:
- – Affidavit of Explanation
- – Applicant must surrender mutilated or damaged passport
- Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
7. If applicant is a Dual Citizen, here are additional requirements aside from Core Requirements:
- Government Issued IDs (Refer to “List of Valid IDs accepted by DFA” below or their secondary citizenship/residence counterparts)
- Report of Birth or Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Foreign Service Post or Bureau of Immigration (BI)
8. If applicant is a Naturalized Filipino Citizen, here are additional requirements aside from Core Requirements:
- Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
9. If applicant obtained Filipino citizenship by Election, here are additional requirements aside from Core Requirements:
- Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship
- Identification Certificate of Election from the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
3. Passport Renewal Requirements in 2020 (Adults Holding Green, Brown, or Maroon Non-ePassport)

Core Requirements
- a. Printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.)
- b. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
- c. Original PSA authenticated documents that will support the change of name.
- – Marriage Contract
- – Annotated Birth Certificate
- – Annotated Marriage Contract to show annulment / divorce / court ordered instruction
- – Death Certificate of Spouse
- – If the married female opts to retain her maiden name, a Marriage Contract is NOT required
- d. Any valid ID with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
Supporting Documents
The following additional documents are required depending on your case.
1. If applicant has a Birth Certificate that was registered late:
- If Birth Certificate was registered at least ten (10) years ago, application will be treated as a regular application, and no additional supporting documents will be required.
- If Birth Certificate was registered less than ten (10) years ago, applicant must submit IDs that pre-date the late registration.
- If applicant has no IDs that pre-date the late registered Birth certificate, applicant must produce current IDs and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance.
2. If applicant has NO Birth Certificate or Report of Birth:
- If applicant was born AFTER 1950 – applicant must first file for late registration with Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or Consular Office with jurisdiction over the place where applicant was born. Applicant will then have to submit the original copy of the PSA authenticated late registered Birth Certificate with the requisite supporting documents and IDs that pre-date the late registration.
- If applicant was born ON OR BEFORE 1950 – applicant must submit original copies of PSA Authenticated Certificate of No Birth Record and Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons attesting to the identity of the applicant.
3. If applicant’s marriage has been dissolved and wants to revert to her maiden surname:
- Applicant must submit original copy of the annotated PSA Marriage Certificate (MC) or Report of Marriage (ROM) stating that the marriage has been dissolved; OR
- If annotated MC or ROM from PSA is not yet available, applicant must submit a Certified True Copy of the Court Order dissolving the marriage and a certificate of Finality from the court.
4. If applicant has lacking data in Birth Certificate or Report of Birth:
- Applicant must submit proof of filing of supplemental report or correction from the Local Civil Registrar (LCR).
5. If applicant has discrepancy in data in Birth Certificate / Report of Birth and other documents:
- If the discrepant data is in the Birth Certificate, the applicant must submit annotated Birth Certificate authenticated by PSA reflecting the corrected entry. If the discrepant data is in the other documents, the Birth Certificate will be followed.
- Discrepancy in first name – Applicant must submit a copy of the petition and supporting documents for correction of first name filed with Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or consulate.
- Discrepancy in other data – Applicant must submit annotated birth certificate authenticated by PSA reflecting the corrected entry.
6. If applicant is a Dual Citizen:
- Original PSA authenticated Birth Certificate/Report of Birth and Original Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Foreign Service Post (FSP) or the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and a photocopy.
- Government issued IDs (from the Philippines or from country of second citizenship).
7. If applicant is a Naturalized Filipino Citizen:
- Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
8. If applicant obtained Filipino citizenship by Election:
- Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship
- Identification Certificate of Election from the Bureau of Immigration (BI)
9. If applicant has been granted citizenship by Act of Legislation:
- Certified true copy of the law granting citizenship
- Foreign Birth Certificate authenticated by a Philippine Foreign Service Post abroad

4. Lost Passport or Lost Travel Documents (Adults)
If you lost your Philippine passport, the applicable rules for replacement of passport are the same as in the above “Section 2: Passport Renewal Requirements for Adults” under Supporting Documents, items No. 1 to 9.
5. Kids / Minors Below 18 Years Old: New Passport Application Requirements in 2020
Core Requirements
- For children aged 7 years old and below, they may use the Priority or Courtesy Lane without need to secure an online appointment. Their parents and other minor siblings may accompany them and may apply for passport as well, without having to secure their own online appointments. The Application Form, which must be filled out, may be downloaded from the DFA website.
- For all other minor applicants, an online appointment is required and must bring with them the printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.). See “Step 1” above for details how to book an online passport appointment.
- a. Personal Appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
- b. Original copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Local Civil Registrar Copy may be required if PSA Birth Certificate is not clear or cannot be read
- c. Marriage Certificate is required if only one parent is accompanying the child:
- – If parents are unmarried, an Affidavit of Support and/or Consent executed by the Mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child;
- – If Affidavit of Support and/or Consent is executed abroad, it must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate
- d. Passport or any valid ID of either one of the child’s parent with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
- e. School ID of the minor, if applicable
Supporting Documents
The following additional documents are required depending on the case of the minor applicant.
1. If applicant has no PSA Birth Certificate or Report of Birth:
- If born in the Philippines — Certified True Copy of Local Civil Registrar (LCR) Birth Certificate authenticated by PSA;
- If born abroad — original copy of Report of Birth or first indorsement from Consular Records Division
2. In case applicant is not accompanied by the parent/s during the application process
- Applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- Passport or Valid Government ID of authorized adult companion
- Special Power of Attorney or Affidavit of Support and Consent must have a copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached
3. In case applicant is not traveling with parent/s
- Applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be Consularized by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion
4. In case applicant is an illegitimate child in custody of the Mother
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and mother or authorized adult companion
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of mother or authorized adult companion
- If applicant is not accompanied by mother during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the mother designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- If applicant is not traveling with Mother, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the mother. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
5. If the applicant is an illegitimate child and mother is deceased / absent and father is unknown
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Valid Passport or valid government ID of adult guardian
- DSWD Clearance
- Affidavit of Guardianship
6. If the minor applicant has undergone the process of domestic adoption
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Valid passport or valid government issued ID of adoptive parent/s
- Court Decree of Adoption
- If applicant is not accompanied by adoptive parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the adoptive parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- If applicant is not traveling with adoptive parent/s, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the adoptive parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
7. If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and ICAB representative
- PSA Birth Certificate/PSA Certificate of Foundling
- Endorsement from ICAB
- Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment
- Placement Authority issued by ICAB
- Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB
- Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption
- Child Study Report
- DSWD clearance
8. If the applicant is a foundling and NOT for adoption
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
- PSA Certificate of Foundling
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of adult guardian
- DSWD clearance
- Affidavit of guardianship
6. Kids / Minors Below 18 Years Old: Renewal of Passport in 2020
Core Requirements
- For children aged 7 years old and below, they may use the Priority or Courtesy Lane without need to secure an online appointment. Their parents and other minor siblings may accompany them and may apply for passport as well, without having to secure their own online appointments. The Application Form, which must be filled out, may be downloaded from the DFA website.
- For all other minor applicants, an online appointment is required and must bring with them the printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.). See “Step 1” above for details how to book an online passport appointment.
- a. Personal Appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
- b. Original copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Local Civil Registrar Copy may be required
- c. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
- d. Marriage Certificate is required if only one parent is accompanying the child
- – If parents are unmarried, an Affidavit of Support and/or Consent executed by the Mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child;
- – If Affidavit of Support and/or Consent is executed abroad, it must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate
- e. Original and photocopy of proof of filiation and/or guardianship
- f. Passport or any valid ID of either one of the child’s parent with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
- g. School ID of the minor, if applicable
Supporting Documents
The following additional documents are required depending on the case of the minor applicant.
1. In case applicant is not accompanied by the parent/s during the application process
- Applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion.
- Special Power of Attorney or Affidavit of Support and Consent must have a copy of parent/s valid ID and/or passport attached.
2. In case applicant is not traveling with parent/s
- Applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be Consularized by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion.
3. In case applicant is an illegitimate child in custody of the Mother
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and mother or authorized adult companion.
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of mother or authorized Adult Companion.
- If applicant is not accompanied by mother during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the mother designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- If applicant is not traveling with Mother, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the mother. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
4. If the applicant is an illegitimate child and mother is deceased / absent and father is unknown
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
- Valid Passport or valid government ID of adult guardian
- DSWD Clearance
- Affidavit of Guardianship
5. If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of domestic adoption
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adoptive parent/s
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Valid passport or valid government issued ID of adoptive parent/s
- Court Decree of Adoption and documents to prove the identity of the child. (eg. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Foundling)
- If applicant is not accompanied by adoptive parent/s during the application process, applicant must submit a Special Power of Attorney executed by the adoptive parent/s designating the minor’s companion to assist in the application process. The Special Power of Attorney must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
- If applicant is not traveling with adoptive parent/s, applicant must submit DSWD clearance and Affidavit of Support and Consent executed by the adoptive parent/s. The Affidavit of Support and Consent must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
6. If the minor applicant is undergoing or has undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and ICAB representative
- Endorsement from ICAB
- Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment
- Placement Authority issued by ICAB
- Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB and document to prove the identity of the child (eg. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Foundling)
- Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption
- Child Study Report
- DSWD clearance
7. If the applicant is a foundling and NOT for adoption
- Personal Appearance of minor applicant and adult guardian
- PSA Certificate of Foundling
- Passport or Valid Government issued ID of adult guardian
- DSWD clearance
- Affidavit of guardianship
7. Renewal of Green, Brown, or Maroon Non-ePassport (Kids/Minors Below 18 Years Old)

Core Requirements
- For children aged 7 years old and below, they may use the Priority or Courtesy Lane without need to secure an online appointment. Their parents and other minor siblings may accompany them and may apply for passport as well, without having to secure their own online appointments. The Application Form, which must be filled out, may be downloaded from the DFA website.
- For all other minor applicants, an online appointment is required and must bring with them the printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.). See “Step 1” above for details how to book an online passport appointment.
- a. Personal Appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
- b. Original copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Local Civil Registrar Copy may be required
- c. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
- d. Marriage Certificate is required if only one parent is accompanying the child
- – If parents are unmarried, an Affidavit of Support and/or Consent executed by the Mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child;
- – If Affidavit of Support and/or Consent is executed abroad, it must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate
- e. Original and photocopy of proof of filiation and/or guardianship
- f. Passport or any valid ID of either one of the child’s parent with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
Supporting Documents
- Any valid ID of the minor with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
Additional documents are required to be presented, with the requirements varying depending on the case of the minor applicant. Please see various cases identified in the “Supporting Documents” cases above and bring the required documents mentioned there.
8. Lost Passport or Lost Travel Documents (Kids/Minors Below 18 Years Old)
Core Requirements
- For children aged 7 years old and below, they may use the Priority or Courtesy Lane without need to secure an online appointment. Their parents and other minor siblings may accompany them and may apply for passport as well, without having to secure their own online appointments. The Application Form, which must be filled out, may be downloaded from the DFA website.
- For all other minor applicants, an online appointment is required and must bring with them the printed documents from the “Confirmed Application Packet” (containing Application Form, etc.). See “Step 1” above for details how to book an online passport appointment.
- a. Personal Appearance of minor applicant and either parent or authorized adult companion
- b. Original copy of Birth Certificate authenticated by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Local Civil Registrar Copy may be required
- c. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page
- d. Marriage Certificate is required if only one parent is accompanying the child
- – If parents are unmarried, an Affidavit of Support and/or Consent executed by the Mother will be required if she is not accompanying the child;
- – If Affidavit of Support and/or Consent is executed abroad, it must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate
- e. Original and photocopy of proof of filiation and/or guardianship
- f. Passport or any valid ID of either one of the child’s parent with one (1) photocopy (See complete list of accepted IDs in the section below “List of Valid IDs for Passport Application or Renewal accepted by DFA”)
- g. School ID of the minor, if applicable
Supporting Documents
The following additional documents are required depending on your case.
1. If applicant lost a VALID ePassport
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 5: Passport Requirements for Minors Below 18 Years Old (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. If photocopy of the last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.
- c. Submit the following additional requirements for Lost Valid ePassport:
- – Police Report in English (It must be filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required. )
- – Affidavit of Loss in English (It must be signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application. Original and photocopy required.)
- – Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
2. If applicant lost an EXPIRED ePassport
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 5: Passport Requirements for Minors Below 18 Years Old (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. If photocopy of the last issued passport is available, the Birth Certificate will not be required.
- c. Submit the following additional requirements for Lost Expired ePassport:
- – Affidavit of Loss in English (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)
- – Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
3. In case of Renewal of a FREQUENTLY LOST ePassport
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 5: Passport Requirements for Minors Below 18 Years Old (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for renewal of frequently lost Passport:
- – Police Report in English (filed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)
- – Affidavit of Loss in English (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)
- – Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
4. In case applicant used a Travel Document to travel back to the Philippines
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 5: Passport Requirements for Minors Below 18 Years Old (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for applicants who used Travel Documents to travel back to the Philippines:
- – Original Travel Document
- – Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)
5. In case applicant lost the Travel Document used to travel back to the Philippines
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 5: Passport Requirements for Minors Below 18 Years Old (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for applicants who used Travel Documents to travel back to the Philippines:
- – Original Travel Records from Bureau of Immigration
- – Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)
6. In case passport has been mutilated or damaged
- a. This will be treated as a “New Application” so all rules pertaining to “No. 5: Passport Requirements for Minors Below 18 Years Old (New Passport)” above will also be applicable.
- b. Submit the following additional requirements for applicants who used Travel Documents to travel back to the Philippines:
- – Affidavit of Explanation (signed by parent/s, legal guardian or person authorized by parent/s who will accompany the minor applicant on the day of application)
- – Applicant must surrender mutilated or damaged passport
- Penalty Fee: PHP 350.00
Step 4: Make a Personal Appearance on your appointment date with the required documents
On your appointment date and time, personally show up at your chosen DFA branch at least 30 minutes before appointment time. Take note that personal appearance is required when making the application. A proxy cannot represent you on your behalf since your photo (to be included on the passport) will need to be taken during this day.
Present your documents to the reception or Appointment Counter, get a queue number, and wait for your number to be called. Once called, proceed to the “Processing” counter where a staff will validate your application.
If everything is in order, you may now proceed to “Encoding” section for photo and data capture. Here, your photo will be taken, your fingerprints will be captured, and your basic personal information will be stored in the DFA database system.
Unfortunately, this step could last a few minutes or a few hours, depending on the number of applicants being processed that day.
There are some strict rules when your photo is being taken so make sure you follow them or your passport won’t be processed:
- No smiling
- Close your mouth, your teeth cannot show, and you must have a “poker-face” expression
- Earrings, eyeglasses, and solored contact lens must be removed
- Look directly at the camera
- Wear decent clothing for photo capture, since some countries implement strict dress codes in the passport photo. Plunging necklines, sleeveless clothing, spaghetti strapped tops, see-through tops, sando, tube tops, halters etc. are not allowed.
Put on your “best face” since this moment will determine the photo that will be on your passport for the next 10 years! You certainly don’t want a bad photo on your passport!
Once your photo is taken and biometrics data are stored, the DFA staff will then inform you when your passport will be ready. This will also be written in the payment receipt which was given to you during payment.
Step 5: Pick up your passport or have it passport delivered to your home
If you don’t want to personally pick up your passport, you may choose to have it delivered straight to your doorsteps.
Just pay the delivery fee in the “Courier” or “Delivery” counter before you leave the DFA premises. They will inform you about the exact date when the passport will be delivered to you. Delivery usually takes 1-2 weeks after your application.
If you did not opt for home delivery, you may pick up your passport during the scheduled release date. Just proceed directly to the “Passport Releasing” counter and present your payment receipt to the person in the “Passport Releasing” section.

That’s it! You now have your new passport. Congratulations!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. I’m now married and I want to change my maiden name in the passport to my husband’s last name. What do I do?
Married female applicants who wish to use their married name (husband’s last name) may renew their passport by submitting the following additional requirements:
- (1) an authenticated Marriage Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA); and
- (2) valid IDs bearing the husband’s last name.
2. I’m married but I still want to use my maiden name in the passport. Is this allowed?
Yes, provided that you have not used yet your married name in any previous Philippine passport. But if you are updating your marital status from “single” to “married”, you will be required to submit a valid Marriage Certificate.
3. My husband and I are separated. Can I apply for a new passport using my maiden name?
You may revert to your maiden name only if the marriage is legally annulled (or you are already a widow). Adequate documentary evidence will be required.
4. Should I wait for my passport to be expired before I can apply for renewal?
No, don’t wait for your passport to expire before renewing it. As per immigration rules of most countries, passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure.
The DFA suggests that Filipinos renew their passport ten (10) months before the date of expiration.
5. What’s the difference between “Individual” and “Group Appointment” in the Online Appointment System?
Individual appointment refers to a single applicant and a single slot reservation only.
For group appointment, applicants may be a group of 2 to 5 people to be assigned different appointment codes.
6. Can I change my appointment date or change the DFA branch of my appointment?
Yes. You may change your preferred date and schedule via the “Reschedule” feature.
To do this, click on “Schedule Appointment > View Appointment” in the DFA appointment website. You need to ready your Appointment Code and your email address in order to View and Reschedule your appointment.
7. I submitted an online appointment but I did not receive an email notification.
It is possible that the email was incorrectly tagged as spam. If no message appears in your Inbox a few minutes after you submitted your application, check your Junk or Spam folder to see if the email was sent there.
DFA also advises that email addresses such as Hotmail, Live, MSN, and Outlook may not receive email confirmation due to technical incompatibilities. As such, Gmail or Yahoo accounts are recommended email accounts to be used.
It is also possible that you did not receive an email confirmation because you submitted a wrong or invalid email address. If this is the case, check the next FAQ question.
8. I made a mistake and submitted a wrong or invalid email address.
If you inadvertently used an invalid or incorrect email address, you won’t be able to receive the confirmation email which you’ll need to confirm your appointment. To re-apply, unfortunately, you will have to wait five (5) days for your reserved appointment to be cancelled. You are only allowed to re-apply once the system has cancelled your original appointment.
9. The system says I already have an appointment but I did not receive a confirmation email or Appointment Code.
This actually happened to me when I applied. Apparently what happened was I mistyped my email address so after submitting the form, I did not receive the confirmation email. Upon realizing this, I tried to re-apply but the system recognized that I already have an appointment.
In such a case, you will need to wait five (5) days for the appointment to be canceled. There is not other recourse but to wait for the original appointment to lapse after 5 days. True enough, on the 6th day, I was able to apply again.
Lesson learned: make sure you correctly input your email address and other required information so as to not cause any problems or delay in the application.
10. I don’t know where to find the Appointment Code.
This is included in the email sent to the email address you submitted. Please check again the email you received. The Appointment Code should be there.
11. I submitted the application, but I realized I made mistakes in the form. Should I cancel my appointment and submit a new application form?
No need. According to the DFA, on your scheduled appointment date, simply inform the DFA Processing staff about the errors (such as incorrect birthday, address, wrong spelling of name, etc.). The information may be corrected based on the documents or ID that you will bring.
Be reminded that any incorrect information you put in the application form may result in a delay in processing. The DFA also warns applicants that any misrepresentation may be considered grounds for refusal or cancellation of your appointment.
12. Can I use Postal ID, TIN ID, or Philhealth ID when applying for a passport?
Starting August 1, 2019, Postal IDs have been approved and allowed by the DFA as a valid ID for presentation during passport application.
However, TIN ID or Philhealth ID are still not allowed as valid IDs for passport application purposes.
13. Can I send a proxy to claim my passport?
Yes, but the proxy must be an immediate family member who must bring: (1) an authorization letter duly signed by the passport holder; and (2) photocopy of the IDs of both the passport holder and the proxy or representative. Immediate family members include father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, and children of legal age.
The passport of the minor applicant shall be released only to parents or adult siblings or to an authorized representative with Special Power of Attorney or Affidavit of Support and Consent and photocopy of the IDs of the passport holder and the authorized person.
14. I don’t have enough cash to pay the full passport fee. Can I pay today and make another payment tomorrow using the same reference number?
No, this is not allowed because a reference number can only be used for payment once. This means if you already paid but you did not pay the full amount, you are no longer allowed to make another payment using the same reference number.
If this happened to you, contact the DFA Helpdesk at Telephone Number (02) 234-3488 to resolve the issue.
15. I did not show up during my scheduled appointment. Can I get a refund of the fees I paid?
If you failed to show up on your appointment date, you will NOT receive a refund of the passport application fee and P50.00 convenience fee (paid to the payment center). You will have to pay these again in case you reapply.
16. I wasn’t able to claim my passport on the release date. Can I still pick it up?
Yes, you may claim it anytime as long as it has not been cancelled yet. Unclaimed passports are cancelled after one hundred and eighty (180) days from the application date.
17. I have foreign visas on my old passport that are still valid. How to transfer those visas to my new passport?
There is no need to transfer the visas since expiration of passports do not affect the validity of the visa. However, you must bring your old passport, containing the valid visas, together with your new passport when traveling to countries requiring those visas.
18. I lost my Philippine passport, what do I do?
In case of lost or stolen passport that is still valid, report your lost passport at the Consular Office of your choice. You will be required to submit a Police Report (in English) and an Affidavit of Loss.
In case of a lost passport that is already expired, you will be required to submit Affidavit of Loss.
Application for a replacement passport in both cases is considered a “New Application” so please submit the requirements stated in Step 3 above, “No. 1: Passport Requirements: New Application (Adults)”. Take note that there is an additional 15 business days clearing period for lost valid passports.
Information Sources and Image Credits: DFA Philippines (, Passport Appointment System (, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Rappler