Stock picks

Top PSE Stocks of 2013 1H

What a bumpy 6-month ride it has been.

The first half of 2013 ended a week ago, closing a turbulent chapter on stock market investing that saw investors in exuberance and euphoria during the first months of the year and in panic and distress in the closing months of the first half of 2013.

Let us reminisce what happened in the last 6 months.

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PinoyInvestor: Stock Picks, Broker Recommendations, Target Prices

PinoyInvestor Top Stock PicksInvesting in the stock market is not easy. It entails doing extensive research, choosing the right stock to trade, and buying and selling at the correct prices.

Your own broker may say BUY a stock, but what if the other brokers were already saying to SELL it? It would be nice to know the opinion of more than one stock broker.

You think a target stock price is overvalued, but how to check if your hunch is correct? It would be nice to know the opinion of more than one stock broker.

You’ve seen so-called stock gurus announce their “stock picks”, but how credible and reliable are they? It would be nice to know the opinion of brokers who are competent stock market analysts.

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COL Stock Picks: Model Portfolio (January 2013)

The good thing is that more and more Filipinos are now looking at stocks as a viable investment instrument. The goal is, of course, to have more Filipino citizens who are financially literate, because that is key to developing the financial markets that could help drive the country’s economic growth.

Of course, there is still much work to be done since only less than 1% of the Philippine population are currently invested in stocks (as seen in the Infographic on the Profile of the Filipino Stock Market Investor).

The bad thing, though, with this current trend of Filipinos joining the stocks bandwagon is that a lot do so without understanding how exactly the stock market works.

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