google adsense

New Adsense format: Image Gallery ads

Update! Today, January 10, I saw a variation of this new Image Gallery ad format.

Instead of thumbnail images and left and right arrow buttons, the ad contains a prettier version of the left and right scrollbars and a Slideshow button that, well, plays a slideshow of the images being advertised.

Here’s a Youtube video of this new Adsense ad format in action.

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Google Adsense team makes mistakes too

What do you do if you received an email from Google Adsense telling you that your site violated Adsense policies and that your account may be disabled in the future?

That’s exactly the email I got from them last week so you can imagine my panic at the thought of losing an income source.

Adsense’s email states:

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Electronic Funds Transfer of Google Adsense earnings in the Philippines?

Google Adsense recently announced that publishers in Hungary and Hong Kong are now able to receive their Adsense earnings via Electronic Fund Transfer or EFT. Through EFT, earnings are deposited directly to the publisher’s bank account in his country. Payments are made in the local currency and converted using the exchange rate at the time of the payment.

EFT definitely saves one’s time especially if the publisher’s current mode of payment is checks, which arrive several weeks later. In the Philippines, publishers can be paid via Western Union but the hassle of visiting a WU branch will be gone if EFT is to be implemented.

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What ‘Third-Party Ads’ means for Google Adsense publishers

If you are a Google Adsense publisher, you probably have already received Google’s email about Third Party Ads:

We’re happy to announce that the Google content network now
accepts display ads served from qualified third-party vendors.
During this initial release, only ads in English are eligible,
although we look forward to offering more options in the future.

By accepting third-party ads, we can attract a greater variety of
advertising on the Google content network, which we believe will
result over time in increased revenue for publishers and more
relevant advertising for end users.

What this means is that Google has opened its content network and can now accept ads from qualified third party vendors. Some of the identified third party tracking vendors include DoubleClick DFA, Mediaplex/ValueClick, Eyeblaster, EyeWonder, Interpolls, Pointroll, Unicast, Dynamic Logic/Safecount, Factor TG, IAG, and InsightExpress.

Many large, top-brand advertisers use third parties to create and manage their ad campaigns. By accepting ads from these third parties, the Google ad inventory is expected to increase — ultimately translating to more ad earnings for Adsense publishers.

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The Top 5 Google Adsense earners

With amounts ranging from almost a million dollars to US$636,000 to US$132,000, the following are the biggest known checks ever received from Google Adsense.

Here they are.

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