currency exchange

2012 Peso-Dollar Exchange Rate Forecast

UPDATED: Check out the latest Peso-Dollar Exchange rate and other currency exchange rates here: Peso Exchange Rate vs. USD, AED, HKD, SGD, KWD, QAR, SAR, GBP, EURO, JPY

What would the Peso-Dollar exchange rate be by the end of the year?

If we only knew the answer, no doubt that we would be very, very rich. Imagine being able to accurately hedge currencies. Or to know the correct timing to convert US Dollars to Philippine Peso. Or to be able to invest all your money in the currency that would rise in value. Whew, if we only knew.

We looked at some exchange rate predictions issued by top investment analysts in the country that we can use as guide.

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Predictions on the Peso-Dollar exchange rate in 2008

The Philippine Peso is Asia’s best performing currency of 2007, closing 18.8% higher at P41.28 at the end of last year.

The runners-up were: Indian Rupee (which grew 12% in 2007); Thai Baht (7%); Malaysian Ringgit (6.4%); Chinese Renminbi (6.88%); and Singapore Dollar (5.9%).

But the buck does not stop there. The Philippine currency is expected to further strengthen in 2008, with most market watchers predicting that the peso will stabilize below the P40-level. One analyst even predicted that the peso will touch P35 this year.

Below is a collection of prediction of the Peso-Dollar exchange rate in 2008:

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