Another get-paid-to-post-reviews program: SponsoredReviews

James Ryan Jonas

Another pay-per-post program is in town. Just like ReviewMe and PayperPost, the new player, SponsoredReviews, is paying bloggers who will write reviews of an advertiser’s product or site.

Depending on a blog’s readership and quality of posts, the SponsoredReviews system recommends an amount that can be charged, but the blogger can choose to ignore this and set his own price.

For each task offered in SponsoredReviews, a minimum and maximum amount will be specified. A blogger can bid for how much he is willing to write the review and the advertiser can accept or reject the bid offer. A blogger can earn anywhere from $10 to $1000 per review.

Bloggers are not required to write positive-only reviews. Articles must also be properly labeled as a sponsored post.

Compared to ReviewMe, SponsoredReviews pays more. The former takes a 50% cut on your earnings (you get 50% of the amount) while the latter takes only 35% (you get 65%). Earnings are paid via PayPal on a bi-weekly basis, as opposed to other pay-per-post programs that pay monthly.

Will SponsoredReviews be a formidable competition to ReviewMe and PayperPost? We’ll have to wait and see.

PS. This article is not a paid post either from SponsoredReviews or ReviewMe.

James Ryan Jonas teaches business management, investments, and entrepreneurship at the University of the Philippines (UP). He is also the Executive Director of UP Provident Fund Inc., managing and investing P3.2 Billion ($56.4 Million) worth of retirement funds on behalf of thousands of UP employees.