How to earn from Text-Link-Ads

James Ryan Jonas

A webmaster-friend of mine told me that exactly a week after he signed up in Text-Link-Ads, his account shows he has already earned $15. I visited his site (PR4 with a fair amount of backlinks) and there they are, the three text link ads worth $15. Not bad, considering all he did was submit his site to Text-Link-Ads and add the appropriate code. That’s it.

Text-Link-Ads (TLA) is a link advertising system that pays publishers for placing advertisers’ links in their sites. TLA splits the final sale price of any ads sold 50/50 with the site owner. Ads on a site are priced based on an algorithm that factors in the traffic of a website, site theme, and link popularity.

How can you earn with Text-Link-Ads? Read below.

  • Publishing Text Link Ads

Submit your site to TLA. Once approved, add the publisher ad code to your site and wait for TLA to sell your ad space to advertisers. Text link ads automatically appear in your site (where you placed the code) once an advertiser is found. You can check your earnings in your TLA account. Payments are sent out on the 1st of every month. The minimum payment to be sent out via check is $25. There is no minimum for PayPal payments.

  • Feedvertising

Feedvertising is TLA’s RSS ad technology. It allows you to place text link ads at the bottom of your blog’s RSS feeds. Just install the TLA WordPress plugin to your WordPress blog and you’re all set. No need to tinker with complicated codes.

  • Affiliate Marketing

Refer a new paid client or new publisher and earn $25.00. Payments are sent out on the 1st of every month. The minimum payment to be sent out via check is $25. There is no minimum for PayPal payments.

Join Text-Link-Ads now and start earning.

James Ryan Jonas teaches business management, investments, and entrepreneurship at the University of the Philippines (UP). He is also the Executive Director of UP Provident Fund Inc., managing and investing P3.2 Billion ($56.4 Million) worth of retirement funds on behalf of thousands of UP employees.