Contest: Share content and win $5,000

James Ryan Jonas

One more way to make money online is to join online contests. Aside from the fact that they usually don’t cost anything to be able to join, some contests offer large prizes — just like this one I found today.

Content sharing website Associated Content is offering $5,000 top prize to the person who can submit any text, audio, or video content that is deemed an upcoming breakthrough.

The general theme is “What’s Next?” and the topic can be a person, a destination, an event, a technology, a trend, or a “how-to” — basically, any unique topic that might break through with people in a new way in the coming year.

Text submissions are limited to 400-500 words. Video and audio must run for no more than 2 minutes.

All submissions will be reviewed by the website’s Content Managers and shortlisted entries will be judged by a team of experts.

The catch, though: the contest runs only today. Entries can be submitted until 12 midnight US Eastern time of June 3.

More info on the contest here.

Share your content and, who knows, you might take home that $5,000 grand prize!

James Ryan Jonas teaches business management, investments, and entrepreneurship at the University of the Philippines (UP). He is also the Executive Director of UP Provident Fund Inc., managing and investing P3.2 Billion ($56.4 Million) worth of retirement funds on behalf of thousands of UP employees.