work at home

How to earn passive income from your blogs

It feels weird making a new blog post after almost three weeks of resting. Yes, it’s been almost three weeks since I made my last post (see Free magazines for Filipinos posted on November 15).

This posting hiatus happened for two reasons. One, I went to Singapore and Indonesia from November 17 to 23 and didn’t have time to make any new blog post while I was away.

The second and more important reason is that the posting break was actually an experiment of mine. I was trying to check if blogging can indeed give passive income, and this I did by comparing my Google Adsense income before and after my last blog post.

Here are the results of this experiment.

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Interview with the ‘kid blogger’ behind

Go to and search for the phrase make money online.

Chances are, the site (Make Money Online – Make Money At Home with a 13-Year Old) is one of the top-ranked sites.

You’ve probably seen the blog before but what you probably don’t know is that the blogger behind this popular make-money-online blog is a Filipino — and he’s just 15 years old.

Go to and search for the phrase make money online.

Chances are, the site (Make Money Online – Make Money At Home with a 13-Year Old) is one of the top-ranked sites.

You’ve probably seen the blog before but what you probably don’t know is that the blogger behind this popular make-money-online blog is a Filipino — and he’s just 15 years old.

Go to and search for the phrase make money online.

Chances are, the site (Make Money Online – Make Money At Home with a 13-Year Old) is one of the top-ranked sites.

You’ve probably seen the blog before but what you probably don’t know is that the blogger behind this popular make-money-online blog is a Filipino — and he’s just 15 years old.

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