retail treasury bonds

Philippines to issue 25-year RTBs

The Philippines will again issue to the public retail treasury bonds or RTBs as a way of raising funds. The good thing with this debt instrument is that individual investors may have the opportunity to avail of this product because RTBs are sold in retail and do not require huge cash outlay.

In fact, minimum investment is only P5,000 (US$120), with additional investments also in multiples of P5,000 — making RTBs more accessible to the average Filipino investor.

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Invest in PAGIBIG Housing Bonds for only P5,000

The Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), commonly known as Pag-ibig, recently issued bonds that even small-time investors can buy and invest in. Last week, the Pag-ibig Fund announced that they are issuing to the public the new series of Bahay Bonds, a five-year mortgage-backed security aimed at raising P300-600 million that Pag-ibig can use to sustain its housing loan services to beneficiaries.

Pag-ibig Fund’s Bahay or Housing Bonds will pay a coupon rate of 4.80% per year. Each bonds costs only P5,000 making it easier for retail investors to participate in this bond offering.

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