Eike Batista

Top 10 World’s Richest People 2011

The Forbes list of the World’s Richest Persons for the year 2011 is now out. Familiar names and faces dominate the Top 10, with one woman securing a spot after a drought of several years.

Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim Helu is still the world’s richest man, adding $20.5 billion to his net worth last year, thanks to a stronger Mexican peso, rising stock market, and profitable investments by Helu’s conglomerate firm.

Next is Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who also ranked 2nd to Helu in the 2010 World’s Richest list. Forbes Magazine says, however, that Bill Gates’ No. 2 position is due to his enormous philanthropic donations. It is estimated that Bill Gates has donated around one-third of his entire fortunes to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Had he not made those donations, his net worth would be around $80 billion, making him the world’s wealthiest man.

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Richest Men in the World 2010

Richest Man in the World 2010 - Carlos Slim Helu The richest person in the world this year is not anymore Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.

It is Mexican Carlos Slim Helu — the first man from a developing country to grab that top spot since Forbes Magazine started the list.

There are 1,011 billionaires in the 2010 Forbes list of The World’s Billionaires, with the US claiming 403, followed by China and Russia, both with 62. Germany has 53, India has 49, Hong Kong has 41, France has 37, Turkey has 28, Taiwan and Brazil both have 18 billionaires.

The Philippines has 2 — Henry Sy at #201 (US$4.2 billion) and Lucio Tan at #582 (US$1.7 billion).

The Top 10 list of the world’s wealthiest people below.

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