dividend yield

Dividend Yield of PSE index stocks (2012)

Dividends are real and tangible profits an investor receives from owning shares of stocks. It is one of several ways to make money from stock investing. Other incomes from stocks may include price increases (or capital appreciation) and stock rights.

Dividends may be in the form of cash (and are called cash dividends) or in the form of stocks (hence, called stock dividends). To learn more how to profit from stocks, read our article on How to Make Money from the Stock Market.

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High Dividend-Paying Stocks in the Philippines (2012)

Here is an update to our article on the top stocks in the Philippines with the highest dividend payout in 2011. Last year, we wrote about companies traded on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) that do not only provide income through price appreciation but also through dividend income.

As we have mentioned before, investors must also consider the dividends paid by companies when computing one’s potential income. Most newbie investors seem to be too concerned on capital appreciation that the dividend component of a stock is forgotten.

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Top 10 stocks with high Dividend Yield

Many newbie investors in the stock market seem to forget that capital appreciation is not the only way to earn money. As we’ve explained before in an article on How to make money using stocks, another form of income that stockholders receive is the dividend.

Dividends may come in the form of cash or stocks. Cash dividends are, obviously, cash amounts distributed to stockholders on record during a certain date. Stock dividends, on the other hand, are additional shares of the company given to stockholders at no cost.

In the Philippines, several stocks have high dividend yields which further increases the income potential of a stock or compensates for its price decrease.

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